Same Creative Prompt for ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini compared

Same Creative Prompt for ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini compared
Same Creative Prompt for ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini compared

ChatGPT Of OpenAI, Google Gemini And Microsoft Copilot they are three very popular chatbots, each with different capabilities and functionality. But what if they were asked to generate creative and imaginative content such as songs, short stories or fictional biographies for social media?

To test the creative abilities of ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot, just feed them the exact same creative prompt. In this way, in a completely empirical way, it is possible to discover how they behave when it comes to producing creative content and not simple information!

How to test ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot with creative prompts

Test the creative abilities of ChatGPT, Google Gemini And Microsoft Copilot, it’s pretty simple. Simply make identical requests for different types of creative content such as songs, poems, short stories, fictitious profiles, etc., and then submit each request to the 3 chatbots to compare their responses.

To evaluate which chatbot is best in creative generation, factors such as originality of the text, smoothness, inventiveness And response speed. This direct comparison allows us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each chatbot when it has to produce non-factual but creative content, how it reacts to requests and how imaginative and unique it manages to be in its responses.

Which AI chatbot does best with songs?

To evaluate the ability of chatbots Of generate creative texts in response to requests that combine even unusual themes, the following prompt can be used: “Write a song about the importance of pursuing your dreams and make sure the lyrics contain a koala“.

This creative prompt contains both a standard theme and a random, whimsical element (the word “koala” in the text). Formulating this type of promptwhich blends common and unexpected elements, it is possible to test the abilities of AI chatbot to understand the request as a whole and still generate a coherent, imaginative and original creative text.

By comparing the responses of different chatbots it is possible to evaluate their ability to creatively handle unpredictable prompts. But who won? For this first creative experiment, Copilot generated the best result. The koala theme became the basis for a deeper message, and both aspects worked well together. This example shows the potential of GPT-4 Turbo, which Copilot offers for free.

Google Gemini responded faster and took a similar approach to Copilot, mixing the two required themes. But some images were strange and inconsistent. ChatGPT it produced the longest and most interesting text, but the koala theme was barely mentioned, much less than in the other chatbots. Additionally, OpenAI’s chatbot struggled to complete the song’s lyrics smoothly.

Which AI chatbot does best with poetry?

There poetry is a literary genre that makes extensive use of figures of speech, wordplay, metaphors, and other creative linguistic devices. Therefore, to generate good quality poems, a text-based chatbotartificial intelligencenot only must he have access to a vast database of poetic texts, but he must also have been trained extensively to understand and reproduce different poetic techniques.

ChatGPT proved to be the most skilled in responding to the following request: “Write a rhyming poem about swimming in the sea. It should consist of a maximum of 15 lines”. While the result wasn’t exciting, further demonstrating that human writers can outperform AI writing tools, the poetry was smoother, and the choice of words was better than other chatbots. The text respected the length and rhyme as required.

Which AI chatbot is best at storytelling?

To test the ability of chatbots to write a short story, the following can be used prompt: “Write a story about a dinner party that your character is reluctant to attend. It should be a maximum of 1000 words“. The stories automatically generated by the three chatbots did not stand out for originality or narrative involvement.

However, when comparing the results, the story produced by ChatGPT it turned out to be the best. Despite being a simple narrative, it presented an interesting plot and was well written from a stylistic point of view. Compared to the other chatbots, ChatGPT’s text was closer to a curated story, demonstrating a good level of creative writing ability.

The narration of Gemini it contained intriguing passages but with little logical coherence, as if the chatbot had tried to be creative, but failed. The writing style of Microsoft Copilot it was fluent and grammatically and syntactically accurate. However, despite the good quality of the prose, Copilot produced a story with a predictable and unengaging plot.

So, for this experiment of generating a short story with plot and length constraints, ChatGPT provided the best overall result, albeit far from the quality and richness that distinguishes stories written by real authors.

Which AI chatbot does best with scripting?

Instead of asking for an entire script, you can ask the chatbot to write the script for a single scene containing some specific elements, with the following prompt: “Write a short scene for a play in which two characters (Marco and Alice) discuss whether a shirt they found in a shop is blue or green“.

The answer of Google Gemini it was the most impressive. In addition to being fast-paced, the written script was fun and interesting, and the personalities of the characters were well fleshed out. The other two chatbots chose the same structure for the scene, perhaps because both apps use OpenAI data as a source. The flow was nice enough, but the results were nothing special.

Which AI chatbot does best with social media bios?

AI chatbots can definitely help improve yours profile on social media in a professional way. However, if the goal is to create a presence that is creative and informal, one of the three is undoubtedly better.

To test the ability of chatbots to write a biography creative for Social media like Instagram And TikTokyou can use the following prompt: “Write a fun and creative bio for social media that is suitable for Instagram, TikTok and X. I am a photographer specializing in pet portraits“.

Copilot provided the most options in terms of effective and imaginative phrases along with emojis and hashtags. You can choose what you want for your bio and further edit it to perfectly reflect your identity.

ChatGPT he was more precise in his response. Two lines of useful slogans, emojis, hashtags and a call to action. Asking for more suggestions is always possible, but Copilot provided the best result from its first response, without the need for further attempts.

Gemini it was the least efficient. While it made four decent suggestions, they weren’t as good as those from other chatbots. It also lacked an example of a call to action and the same range of emojis. Overall, instead of providing a fun and comprehensive bio for social media profiles, he gave advice on how it should be structured, which is not what the prompt calls for.

ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini: who wins?

All three artificial intelligence chatbot were able to respond to creative requests, but their performance varied depending on the type of text requested. Although developed by the same company, ChatGPT and Copilot also have distinct strengths. Simply put, there is no overall winner. Further testing on new requests can help identify the ideal chatbot for each creative need.

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