Capezzone, “do you know who Canfora’s lawyer is? He himself…” – Libero Quotidiano

“Some people will feel nostalgic while leafing through today’s newspapers, while others will feel unsettling déjà vuI’ve already seen this scene in the series.” Daniele Capezzonein his “Watch out for coffee”, a highly politically incorrect review of Free, can’t help but start by talking about Mario Draghi and his almost self-candidacy for the presidency of the EU Commission.

“It was the 2021 end-of-year conference – recalls the editorial director of Free – and Draghi entered the press room, bursting into applause before he even said ‘good morning’. A journalist from Sun 24 Hours he said ‘if she weren’t there we would be terrified’. Here we are again, but in Europe.”

“Draghi has been making public interventions for many weeks, de facto running for various European institutional positions. The presidency of the EU Commission is less likely, that of the European Council, on an ultra-federalist and European integration line. And you go applause, ‘Mario save us’. They just stand out Free with nice title and classic liberal analysis by Mario Sechi and Claudio Antonelli’s article on Truth with the problem of private funds for green transitions”. In the newspapers it’s all a “whip”, “shock” and “whatever it takes”, “a Draghian lyricism, with violins and trombones well assorted”, comments Capezzone.

“The students’ raid on the building was very bad Rectorate of Sapienza and the beatings of the police in Rome”, Capezzone proceeds in his review and then moves on to the incredible censorship of the European conservatives with the conference blocked in Brussels. “And in the meantime the circus of April 25th arrives in the city, with theAnpi on a war footing and Professor Canfora who perhaps also wants a prize for calling Meloni a neo-Nazi. Yesterday, in front of the Court of Bari, he was welcomed by the flags of the CGIL and the Anpi. And do you know who thedefense lawyerand Camphor? Just him, The Forgethe candidate supported by the grillini in Bari. If we weren’t talking about serious things it would be laughable.”

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