the 5 most infamous and memorable bosses of the DLC

A few days after the publication of Shadow of the Erdtree, the majestic expansion of Elden Ring (here is the review of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree), a non-negligible share of fans has already consumed it voraciously much of the content offered by the DLC, despite the indisputable richness of the package packaged by From Software. In case you are part of that handful of brave people which no longer fears any spoilerswe have put together for you a collection of what are – in our opinion – the most exciting bosses of Shadow of the Erdtree, both for their design and for the role they play in the lore of the Elden Ring universe.

It goes without saying that the following list will contain an avalanche of spoilers of all shapes and sizesand therefore we recommend reading it only to those who have already completed the new Senzaluce adventure (here is our guide to best prepare for Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree).

Rellana, Knight of the Twin Moon

The boss who opens this profanity-bearing quintet is Rellana, the first real obstacle placed on the path of Senzaluce in Shadow of the Erdtree. Although relatively problematic, thanks to shaky camera management, the Dancing Lion Divine Beast she is nothing compared to the lovely lady of Ensis Castle.

Of noble birth, like her twin Rennala, the Knight of the Twin Moon has long since abandoned the title of Cariana Princess to support Messmer in his holy crusadeand therefore the defeat of the swordswoman is a fundamental stage of the progression. A task certainly not simple, given that the castellan has two magical swords destined to leave an indelible mark on your pride as a fighter. If in the first phase of the fight the blades create supple combinations of close-range strikes, interspersed with some sorcery, in the second things will get even more complicated, when the warrior’s powers will expand both her radius of action and the range of attacks. Among these it deserves a mention the triple “lunar assault” which requires you to avoid waves of pure magic while jumping, in the hope of ending the fight before dying painfully. Despite its difficulty, the challenge with Rellana shines with a design that brings to mind the unforgettable Sulyvahn from Dark Souls 3.

Metyr, Mother of Fingers

Among the most compelling aspects of Shadow of the Erdtree we find a rich catalog of lore notions which, between one fight and another, fill in some of the gaps in the rich mythology of Elden Ring. Among the pending issues we can also include the origin of the Two Fingers, mysterious divine emissaries with a major role in the history of the Interregnum. As can be understood from the title “Mother of the Fingers”, it was Metyr herself who gave birth to these disturbing creatures, in turn daughter of the Superior Will and responsible for acting as spokesperson for her ineffable will.


Arriving in the Shadow Lands through a tear in the fabric of the universe, this horrifying tangle of grayish limbs is probably the most “Bloodborn” boss of Elden Ring, so much so that it brings to mind other children of the cosmos such as Rom and Ebrietas. To the tune of a distressing accompaniment to say the least, the battle against Metyr proceeds in a succession of heavy physical attacks and mystical blasts, which in the second phase become considerably more intense and dangerous, culminating in a real bombardment.

As if that wasn’t enough, the dear Mother of Fingers is able to generate a certain number of minions, obviously belonging to the very annoying “fingercreeper” family. In case the prospect doesn’t cheer you up much, know that the battle is completely optionalbut by skipping it you will miss one of the most spectacular battles of the DLC.

Commander Gaius

With this powerful opponent we open a parenthesis based on a “bromance” that is nothing short of legendary, that between a young Radahn and Commander Gaius, a great fighter and strategist in the service of Marika the Eternal. Together with Messmer, Gaius was in fact a mentor to Radagon’s son, with whom a heated and friendly rivalry developed over the years. The two were also students of the same Alabaster Champion, a warrior belonging to an ancient race that taught them to master gravitational magicthe same one used by the colossal Radahn to avoid burdening the back of his beloved steed.

The brotherly relationship between the Commander and Messmersupported in his mission in the Shadowlands, had instead cemented himself on the common ground of a cursed existence: Gaius is in fact a first generation albinaurunable to move without the aid of his powerful porcine mount. A partnership that will be the source of resounding curses during the fight with the Commander, not coincidentally the only boss in Shadow of the Erdtree that can be faced on the back of the trusty Torrent. A strategy that, in all honesty, we do not feel we can recommend lightly, given that the great agility and sudden attacks of the “boar-cavalry” duo it must be contained by managing spaces and movements with precision, even more so given that the couple can perform several attacks practically simultaneously.

In the second phase, you will see Gaius use his gravitational abilities and things will certainly not improve. Despite his considerable difficulty, this optional battle can offer great satisfaction and a decidedly generous dose of spectacularity.

Betrothed Consort Radahn – Radahn, Consort of Miquella

If you’ve reached this point, chances are you’re aware of the role of Radahn in Shadow of the Erdtree, as well as the reasons behind the choice to link access to the DLC to the defeat of the Celestial Scourge and Mohg. Leaving aside the past misadventures of the Redcloak general, we can tell you that his return from the kingdom of the dead is linked to a pact made with Gentil Miquellawho in Shadow of the Erdtree infuses his soul into the remains of Mohg to give life to the one destined to become the consort of the empyrean.

The subtext is that Miquella exploited her powers of manipulation to push the Lord of Blood to take possession of the cocoon containing the remains of the demigod, as part of a plan to replace the Golden Order with a new domain. Beyond the digressions aroused by the articulated lore of Elden Ring, the result of Miquella’s machinations is an enraged colossus capable of use a mix of gravity and blood powers, exploited to hurl masses of blows that require excellent management of attack and defense times. The sense of threat conveyed by the enemy represents a further element of difficulty, all before even accessing the second phase. Once he ascended to the rank of Miquella’s Consort, Radahn will add new divine abilities to his attacks, some of which are capable of instantly (or almost) killing the Senzaluce. Yes, getting by is a decidedly difficult undertaking, but the sense of satisfaction that emerges after victory is priceless. If only the final scene of the expansion was as satisfying…

Messmer, the Impaler

Long before the Ancestral Ring was shattered and the rule of the Golden Order overthrown, Messmer was the most loyal champion of Queen Marika, his mother. Like his brothers, generated by the unnatural union of Marika and RadagonMessmer also harbored a terrible curse within himself: an abyssal serpent stirred within his body, a malevolent creature that threatened to devour him from the inside.

To avoid this unfortunate fate, Marika he placed a sacred seal on his son’s face, placed in place of one of his eyes. For a long time the Impaler defended the dictates of the Golden Order in the lands of the Interregnum, earning the reputation of a brutal and implacable warrior, until Marika commissioned him to launch a purge campaign in the Shadowlands, occupied by a people never blessed by the light of Grace. Isolated in this realm along with his companions, Messmer continued his work as an unyielding zealot, even after losing all contact with her mother. Needless to say, the burning flame of his convictions manifests itself with bursting fury during the clash with Senzaluce, in the setting of one of the most sensational battles of Shadow of the Erdtree.

The duel in question requires a certain aggressiveness and considerable readiness, necessary to efficiently alternate attacks and dodges in order to quickly empty the opponent’s life bar. An approach that in the second phase will have to be managed with greater caution, especially when Messmer transforms into a cyclopean serpent capable of eliminating us in one fell swoop. A memorable boss fight made even more compelling by the wonderful design of the demigod, more than deserving of sitting at the center of the cover of Shadow of the Erdtree.

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