Sony has announced a presentation for next week, but it’s not a PlayStation Showcase

Sony has announced a presentation for next week, but it’s not a PlayStation Showcase
Sony has announced a presentation for next week, but it’s not a PlayStation Showcase

While the gaming world is waiting for a possible announcement on a PlayStation Showcase or a State of Play, Sony meanwhile it has announced a presentation entitled “Beyond the boundaries” for next week, with a date set for May 23rd.

However, this is not an event strictly dedicated to the public, although various interesting information about the company could also emerge from this: based on what was also reported by Tom Warren of The Verge, it seems to be a sort of conference of a more financial nature what else, but it will bring back important things information about the future of Sony and its strategies.

Beyond the Boundaries will therefore be a presentation event for 90 minutes, in which CEO Kenichiro Yoshida and CFO Hiroki Totoki they will talk about programs linked to Sony for the near future, therefore probably also involving the PlayStation division, given the importance it holds.

Is this the presentation announced by Sony?

This does not exclude that the rumored presentation focused on video games, perhaps a real one PlayStation Showcasecan actually happen by the end of the month, even if at this point time is running out.

As we reported, some sources said they were quite sure of a presentation event by Sony PlayStation by the end of May. Among these, in particular, the well-known journalist/insider Jeff Grubb of VentureBeat seems to be quite convinced that a PlayStation Showcase should take place this month.

Given the period in which we find ourselves, the announcement of this should really come soon, in case the issue is real. Even considering the little notice Sony has used lately to announce its events, a presentation on the scale of a PlayStation Showcase is usually presented at least the week before, so information could emerge at any time at this point.

Various commentators also point out that the title of this presentation, which in Italian translates as “beyond the limits”, “beyond borders“, could already hide information on the possible expansion strategy towards the PC regarding Sony video games, but this is clearly just a guess.

Rather, it remains to be understood whether this is the presentation that Sony itself had anticipated by presenting its financial data while also updating the sales data of the PS5, when it had said that there would be an event in which the company would reveal its cards in a public manner , we’ll see.

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