Google Maps, how to use maps offline too: the secret function

Google Maps, how to use maps offline too: the secret function
Google Maps, how to use maps offline too: the secret function

Google Maps, how to use maps even offline: the secret function that represents a great turning point for millions of users struggling with positions and coordinates during a trip.

Google Maps –

Google Maps represents one of the apps most used by users all over the world when they travel, and which allows us to reach any destination by typing the precise address of our destination. Reliable and precise, it is from smartphones that it manages to satisfy all users in their various searches. But how often do we find ourselves faced with the unexpected”no signal” that leaves us in panic?

This possibility happens to us especially when we go somewhere place not fully covered by the network of the telephone company we are using and leaves us in a state of panic especially when we don’t know where to go at night, perhaps finding ourselves alone in even isolated places where we don’t even know who to ask for information. How to solve in this case?

How to use Google Maps even offline

Don’t worry, because even in these cases we have a chance to get around this obstacle and be able to reach our destination even when the line abandons us. Or simply because we don’t want to consume too much battery or gigabytes that we have available. In practice we can download the map of our destination before setting off by simply entering the address in the search bar (here you will find another important trick regarding Google Maps).

Google Maps –

At that precise moment we must write, after the research “Ok Maps” allowing Google to download the map we are interested in however, we can view it in detail at any time even when we are offline. This is an extremely useful and effective solution that protects us from any inconvenience which, especially when traveling, is always around the corner. It is always better to do this regardless of our destination.

And also from the real desire to save gigabytes or battery. Doing so will remain really useful, then we will decide based on the circumstances whether or not to take advantage of this possibility which in this case would really save our lives from possible nasty surprises. Think about it carefully when you travel, especially at night and when you don’t know the destination well which could also be located in a secondary and non-central location.

Always a useful option when travelling

When we travel we must always know our destination in detail. Then also Before leaving it is always a good habit to study the route in time so as to get a precise idea not only of the kilometers to travel but also of the area that must be reached. Also because Maps often takes us along secondary roads which can be the fastest (here we explain how to spy on a person thanks to Google Maps).

Especially when there are interruptions or heavy traffic. It is precisely in those cases that we could lose the line and contact with our destination.

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