How to change the voice of the Google Assistant: tasty trick

How to change the voice of the Google Assistant: tasty trick
How to change the voice of the Google Assistant: tasty trick

Perhaps few people know it, but it is possible to quickly change the voice of the Google Assistant: let’s see how to do it together.

Google Assistant –

Google, in recent years, has made many incredible services available to users. The company, born just before the 2000s from an intuition of the duo formed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page, has grown rapidly and today is certainly the most famous IT giant in the world. The Company launched first an interesting search engine, to then add to the “offer” juicy services such as Gmail (sending and receiving emails has never been so easy), Maps (the most incredible navigator) and the Android operating system.

In recent times, Big G has also founded a search engine called Google Chrome. By virtue of the popularity of the brand, the US company has decided to also launch a line of smartphones and a line of computers called its own ChromeBook. Google Assistant is also fantastic: users can interact with it and ask for information or help with various daily tasks.

The assistant, for example, can provide answers about the weather, can search for nearby pizzerias or restaurants, and can reveal the opening hours of nearby shops (“Hey Google, is Conad still open?“, to give an example), and can open the navigator, taking you home or to a specific place. As if all this wasn’t enough, Google Assistant can remind you of various daily tasks, can add events to the calendar and can provide real-time information on traffic at a given point. And again, you can ask to start a piece of music, to have the news read to you, to do conversions, translations or mathematical calculations. Finally, there is the possibility of asking for details on sporting events, meanings of words, searching for images and photographs and finding answers on the web (“Hey Google, how do you wash the floor?“, to give another example. Today, however, we are providing you with some interesting information: for example, here is how to change the voice of the assistant.

How to change the voice of Google Assistant: fabulous trick

Google writing –

To change the voice of the Google Assistant, all it takes is a simple step. To change the sound, go to “All settings” and press on “Assistant voice”. At this point, you can choose an entry from the list. Perhaps few people know it, but it is also possible to change the language of your voice. Open the Google app on your phone and click on “Settings”, then press “Voice” and “Language”. After selecting the language, your assistant will no longer speak in Italian.

If you don’t want to do these steps, you can too ask vocally (through “Ok Google”) to change your voice: the assistant will respond immediately with a different tone and ask you for confirmation. If you accept, your voice will change, if you refuse, no change will occur.

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