Never listen to this message

Never listen to this message
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It often happens that you receive strange messages on your smartphone containing information on alleged anomalies or problems. You will never have to be alarmed, since it is a scam attempt by some bad guys. Let’s discover the new scam that is circulating by message on phone screens and what move never to take.

Be careful of the scam message that is circulating on smartphones: don’t make these mistakes (

THE dangers traveling online are many. Many people, in fact, allow themselves to be deceived by anomalous messages, e-mails and particular SMS and can face very serious risks and actual theft of money from their current account. These are the so-called phishing scams.

The scams successful over the last 18 months have increased by as much as 20% compared to the previous survey, demonstrating how these online threats are not sporadic events. The data was released by Police postwhich has provided some guidelines to follow in order to never be caught at the exact moment in which you receive scam messages.

What new scam is circulating on Italians’ smartphone screens? Here’s how to recognize the phishing scam attempt carried out by cyber criminals to try to rob the unfortunate person in question. You will never have to carry out this move: only in this way will you always be safe from any risk.

I would never give weight to this message arriving on your smartphone: it is a dangerous scam

There technology has made great strides and now the vast majority of people own at least one latest generation electronic device. Modern smartphones allow you to perform many operations, but users are not always experts in the IT world. They may, therefore, not know that some messages will be fraudulent and should never be given weight.

Never listen to messages of this type: details on the new scam circulating on phone screens (

How to recognize the new scam arriving? Let’s analyze the exact content of the message and what moves never to make. Here are all the details.

Details about the scam

Dear customer, we have encountered problems with your card, access the site: “” for the solution to your problem“. This is theSMS phishing which is circulating on the smartphone screens of several people. The organization passes itself off as Poste Italianebut behind the sending of such messages there will never be the large Italian company operating in the postal services sector.

Poste Italiane, in fact, has made it known that it never sends notices or personal information via message or e-mail. The user will not, therefore, have to never click on the link in the message. Furthermore, personal data, codes and passwords must never be provided. The risk is that criminals could gain access to your account, literally emptying it.

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