Disable this option, your battery will thank you

What to do if the drums Does your smartphone run out of battery quickly? There are tricks to increase its life. However, there is one option in particular that allows, if disabled, to greatly improve the performance of the battery.

Smartphone batteries are increasingly short-lived. This is because many apps continue to run in the background, but also because screens are getting bigger and brighter.

What to do if the drums does it wear out too quickly? Here are some tips.

How to improve your smartphone battery: check the screen functions

The screens large ones consume more. It is true that they are more beautiful and above all useful, but they can quickly lead to… death of the battery. In fact, every display requires a lot of energy to function and just check what the main cause of battery consumption is to understand that it is the screen and its brightness.

The brighter the display, the more energy it consumes, so if it is not necessary brightness maximum screen, it is best to adjust it according to the conditions. For example, under sunlight you need a higher brightness than in the evening. Most modern smartphones have automatic functions (must be activated manually) which adjust the screen brightness based on sunlight.

The “dark mode” in applications (those that allow it) is useful for maintaining battery life.

How to improve your smartphone battery: disable unnecessary applications

Another fundamental aspect for maintaining the battery is the deactivation of applications not necessary. There are in fact numerous applications that remain running in the background and they consume a significant amount of energy. Deactivating them is the first step save energy.

But what are these apps and functions? Beware of Bluetooth And GPS, because they consume energy trying to connect with other nearby equipment. GPS, for example, uses the internet connection to update itself and have more data on the roads. Both uses (connection and geolocation) have a high energy weight.

How to save battery: tips to increase its life

There are a number of precautions useful for the purpose of preserving the battery of your smartphone. Some are quite well known, others are used to avoid running out of battery in the middle of the day.

Among these we mention:

  • Reduce the screen brightness: Set the brightness to an optimal level for your lighting and personal needs;
  • Disable unnecessary features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC or GPS;
  • Limit push notifications: because push notifications continue to keep the phone active and consume energy;
  • Turn off vibration because it consumes more energy than the ringtone;
  • Use energy saving because it limits some non-essential features to extend battery life;
  • Close background appsthose that are not necessary and that remain running when you are not actively using them;
  • Update apps and operating systemin fact the new versions of the apps and the operating system can optimize energy efficiency and solve any bugs that could cause excessive energy loss;
  • Avoid extreme temperatures such as excessive heat or cold;
  • Use a black primer or dark, especially if OLED screens because they consume less energy to display the black color;
  • Invest in an external battery or a power bank.
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