Euro 2024, Italy retreat like at school: Spalletti’s rules

He leaves on June 14th Euro 2024, the European football championship held in Germany. L’Italy is ready, thanks also to a withdraw made of rules ironclad, a bit like a school. Coach Luciano Spalletti, in fact, has drawn up a list of activities permitted and not permitted during preparation. Here are the ‘commandments’ of the national team coach.

Italy “at school” with Spalletti’s rules

No delays, limited use of cell phones and little PlayStation. These are some of the rules imposed by the national team coach, Luciano Spalletti, during the retreat to prepare the team for Euro 2024. A series of ‘commandments’ that seem to bring the players back to school, where some behaviors cannot be absolutely tolerated.

Well, what are they Mr. Spalletti’s rules? The newspaper ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’ told her:

  • at the table, in technical meetings and training, delays are not tolerated;
  • limitations on the use of cell phones, which are only allowed before lunch or dinner, never at the table or in meetings;
  • no to headphones to avoid situations of isolation;
  • PlayStation yes, but it can only be used in the hotel’s games room, where there is also a ping pong table, billiards and table football;
  • you work while having fun, but with the utmost attention. Therefore laughter and jokes must be measured.

But the rules also concern thediet: with the team there are nutritionists and chefs. The cuisine is varied: the menu includes pasta (tomato, pesto, ragù), bresaola, turkey, chicken, boiled vegetables, avocado, pineapple, melon and tarts. Lasagna, pizza and ice cream are also allowed, but alcohol is absolutely prohibited. Breakfast is made with biscuits, protein pancakes, milk of all kinds (including soy, rice, oats) and coffee.

Luciano Spalletti commented on the news of the rules in the withdrawal of the national team at Euro 2024 during the press conference on the eve of Italy-Albania. His words: “Sometimes I regret having to come here to comment on things I didn’t say. What interests me is that we sleep at night. I don’t allow the team to stay awake at night and then arrive at training unrested. That’s all. We created a games room where there are two beautiful PlayStations and I played there too. But then they do it at the correct times: do you think it’s right to play until 3-4 in the morning? You sleep better at night, there are psychoanalysts and doctors who say so. We have to have a correct style, that’s all. I didn’t say that you can’t play PlayStation, but only that you can’t stay up until 3-4 in the morning.”

Spalletti’s attention to the new generations

Last April 4, the technical commissioner of the national team Luciano Spalletti visited the Giovanni Boccaccio comprehensive institute in Certaldo donating 6 laptops to the school. A way to demonstrate solidarity towards his community, starting with the new generations, who represent the future of that community.

“I was extremely pleased to have Spalletti here to visit, especially because he proved to be extremely attentive and affectionate towards us students – said the head teacher of Boccaccio Linda DiIelsi on that occasion -. He answered their questions with warmth and shared valuable advice for their personal growth.”

“A normal school day was transformed into a special and exciting moment thanks to the presence of the coach of the national football team – explained the Education Councilor of the Municipality of Certaldo Benedetta Bagni -. Mister Spalletti continues to confirm the attention for his Certaldo and, this time, in particular for the school community“.

“Social commitment and active support for the growth of young generations demonstrated by Luciano Spalletti embody the importance of sport as a vehicle of positive values ​​in society – the mayor of Certaldo commented Giacomo Cucini -. His initiative not only provides concrete support to school activitiesbut also an inspiration for all those who believe in the importance of mutual help and community solidarity.”

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