Naples, Sarri reopens Orsato and Pjanic controversy over the scudetto lost in the hotel: chaos on the web

Naples, Sarri reopens Orsato and Pjanic controversy over the scudetto lost in the hotel: chaos on the web
Naples, Sarri reopens Orsato and Pjanic controversy over the scudetto lost in the hotel: chaos on the web

More than six years have passed. Many, many. For Napoli what happened in 2018 is now a distant regret, erased by the scudetto won two seasons ago but for Maurizio Sarri it continues to be a bloody wound. The former Lazio coach has returned to the controversy for Pjanic’s failure to send off in Inter-Juventus, revealing to Corriere della sera what happened that evening in the hotel that hosted the Azzurri.

Orsato and that missed double yellow for Pjanic

There has been a lot of talk about the mistake made by referee Orsato who in that match did not sanction Pjanic with a second yellow for a very harsh intervention on Rafinha. They all bothered in those days, there were parliamentary questions, there is mystery on the VAR audio and what they said to each other at that moment and a long trail of controversy that time seemed to have attenuated. Not for Sarri, though.

Sarri remembers Orsato’s mistake

At Corriere della Sera Sarri talks about the famous “scudetto lost in the hotel” and says: “You can laugh as much as you want, but that’s how it went. There was a sensational error, later recognized, by one of the best referees Orsato in Inter-Juventus. We were retreating to the hotel: I left my room pissed off, I wanted to rock everything, but I had to cheer up the boys. You see them sitting on the stairs of the hotel, they were crying. It was already too late. We lost against Fiorentina and the Scudetto went to Juve.”

The fans go wild on social media

Sarri’s statements reignite the web. Rewind and we go back to six years ago: “It’s the fault of Pjanic’s yellow card if you got three goodies from Fiorentina. Usual victimism” and then: “Really ridiculous, great morale you’ve maintained. Instead of going to Florence and winning big, go get 3 meatballs from Simeone. They were crying over a mystery that wasn’t given… Embarrassing mentality” and also: “HAHAHA people who miss him at Juventus. Agnelli’s biggest mistake was Sarri.”

There are those who write: “And no journalist points out that Inter should have lost by a much greater margin if only they had given the two penalties to Juve and sent Skryniar off? Do you only remember one missed warning? Among other things, the first one wasn’t even there. Crying and blaming others” and then: “Every time they talk about it they make that story more and more grotesque. They were very fast, one point behind Juve who were boiling, as demonstrated by the same match against Inter, and they threw away a scudetto. When you live immersed in narratives, these are the results”

The web is unleashed: “Nothing, we can’t get away from the narrative of the lack of a second yellow card for Pijanic in a match in which there were several equally evident errors to the detriment of Juve (moreover the 1st yellow card was non-existent)”, or: “And for this reason he then decided to accept the proposal to coach Juve… unfortunately there has always and always been a lot of “carelessness” in our football. Juve when it’s convenient (i.e. always) is used to hide one’s own inabilities and weaknesses or shortcomings” and again: “It is convenient to analyze the facts in this way
Typical of those who do not want to accept their missteps (normal for every human being) and look for a convenient foothold”

Ravezzani acid towards Sarri

Finally the thoughts of Fabio Ravezzani. The director of TeleLombardia writes on Twitter: “Maybe… I don’t believe in the image of the Napoli players crying disconsolately while sitting on the hotel stairs due to a failed expulsion. Maybe in a movie. Sarri likes to exaggerate. And in any case you don’t lose 3-0 the next day just because of this. Never self-criticism, eh…?”

Source: ANSA
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