«Milan and Fiorentina could listen to me, but in Serie A no one looked for me»

Lazio-Bayern Munich in the Champions League: victory for the Biancocelesti 1-0. Maurizio Sarri he chooses this match as the manifesto of his football, and holds a lesson for coaches, both professionals and amateurs. Defensive phase, chain, pressing, how to limit the quality of the opponents: the method is similar at every level. We are at Villa Casagrande in Figline Valdarno, it is home for Maurizio. A three-day event organized by the local football team, Serie D, chaired by his son Nicolé, who keeps him company in recent weeks. «He entertains me» he says.

Sarri, you just can’t live without football…
“Well no. When you feel the energy, the desire for the field growing, you can’t be without it. The first weeks after leaving Lazio I completely disconnected, I needed mental rest and I was also occupied by family problems. Now I miss him, and a lot.”

With the waltz of the coaches in Serie A, haven’t you received any phone calls?
«Not from Italian clubs, unfortunately. And honestly I’m a bit sorry, there were free benches in teams that I imagined could be good for me. I wasn’t even asked for a chat. Presidents decide, of course. But I deserved to be listened to at least a quarter of an hour.”

Are you referring, for example, to Milan and Fiorentina?
“They were two teams suited to me, of course.”

Has an explanation been given?
«We focus on young people, and that’s also good. But experience remains a value, it should not be thrown away. Just look at the age of the coaches who won the Conference, Europe and Champions League this year: 63, 66 and 65 years old. It’s not a casuality. Then, of course, if no one looked for me it was probably because I did something wrong too, an intimate reflection must be made.”

What if it was because of the labels that have been attributed to it over the years? A few too many complaints…
«Crowded calendars and a playing field that is often not up to par? Yes I repeat. The point is that Klopp and Guardiola also said it but no one commented, if it’s Sarri who complains then the heavens open up. I’ll ask you a question: would you let yourself be operated on by a surgeon who has a rusty scalpel? Well, a footballer cannot play on an unsuitable pitch.”

At Napoli he said: we lost the scudetto in the hotel, and there too…
«You can laugh all you want, but that’s how it went. There was a sensational error, later recognized, by one of the best referees, Orsato, in Inter-Juventus. We were on retreat in the hotel: I left my room pissed off, I wanted to smash everything, but I had to cheer up the guys. I saw them sitting on the hotel stairs, crying. It was already too late: we lost against Fiorentina and the scudetto went to Juve.”

Two years later he went to Juventus and won it there.

«It was a journey of great suffering, complete with family arguments. Let’s say that as a Napoli fan I struggled. I shouldn’t have left Chelsea, that’s all.”

Is it the mistake you complain about the most?
“There is no doubt. There were good bases to stay, I made a big mistake. We won the Europa League, the project was great but I wanted to return to Italy, unfortunately.”

Do you have a regret?
«Maybe Milan, I came close and then they didn’t want me. Napoli came, the most intense experience of my career.”

Without winning titles…
«The best stories in football are the ones in which you didn’t win. I didn’t always have an easy relationship with De Laurentiis, but I will always thank him for giving me the chance to coach the team I supported as a child. I will buy a house in Naples.”

Is Antonio Conte the right man after such a disappointing season?
«Napoli will have to follow a path, revolutionize the way they play. Luckily, Conte is very quick in these situations to convey his mentality. I don’t see them outside the top three, the positive side of last year is that they lost ground but they were and are a strong team.”

Leave Lazio and the money…
«Flatten environment, numb team».

Your football has an identity, modernity is moving towards flexibility, how do you put it?
«My teams must have a physiognomy but the kids must also be trained in relation to their opponents, knowing how to adapt. If that wasn’t the case, I would only train myself.”

Will Spalletti be able to restore prestige to the national team at the European Championships?
«Luciano Spalletti is an excellent coach but has little time. I think this in general: it is said that the national team determines the future of football, but we don’t spend much time together to become truly strong. I will look at Italy out of affection.”

Would you coach a national team?
«Not until I feel the energy to be on the field every day».

The player who made her most proud.
«Almost everyone in Napoli, from Koulibaly to Mertens to Insigne. At Chelsea Hazard: I always argued with him, he had his best season with me.”

Besides Figline, what do you do during the day?
Half an hour together: one, two, five, eight cigarettes. You won’t hurt her, Sarri?
“The tests are fine.”

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