Goodbye ATP, one of the most loved tennis players retires: what a pain

Goodbye ATP, one of the most loved tennis players retires: what a pain
Goodbye ATP, one of the most loved tennis players retires: what a pain

Bad news for tennis fans, one of the most loved tennis players by the public retires: pain for the fans

The world of tennis is preparing to say goodbye to another great protagonist of the circuit Atp. The decision has now been made and there is nothing that can make him change his mind. After having lived a life at the highest level, competitive against the best talents on the circuit, due to too many physical problems and the collapse of results in recent times he has decided to say enough. A choice perhaps inevitable, but one that leaves one a huge void in all his fans.

A great champion retires from the world of tennis: the announcement (Ansa) –

On the other hand, the tennis world is still licking its wounds over the loss of Roger Federer, the most loved of all. More than a year and a half after his retirement, many have still not been able to understand it.

And considering that in 2024 it is almost certain that we will have to say goodbye to its biggest rival, Rafa Nadalnow only the shadow of that unstoppable champion of the past, it is clear that the world of tennis is experiencing one of the most intense moments ever, that of the handover between the big names of the recent past and the talents who will dominate the scenes in the next ten years.

Talents among which could have been included, like a bridge between generations, a tennis player who today at 30 years old and who until recently seemed to have everything to be able to reach the top of the rankings, the maximum goals: Dominic Thiem. The Austrian, victim of a collapse in performance caused by the serious physical problems that affected him, has decided to say enough is enough. And he did so by clearly explaining, and with the utmost honesty, the reason for his painful decision.

Thiem withdraws, the Austrian’s announcement saddens the fans: the reason for the choice has been revealed

That Dominic Thiem has chosen to hang up his racket is actually nothing new. The former champion of the US Open in 2020 he made it clear that he wanted to retire at the end of the year.

Fresh from a Roland Garros closed with a touching farewell after the elimination in the qualifiers, without one wildcard which the organizers denied him, despite having won two finals in the past near Paris, the Austrian chose to explain once and for all the reasons for his decision. And he did it with words that leave no room for recriminations.

Dominic Thiem retires: bad news for the fans (Ansa) –

Interviewed by Tennis Sweet Spotthe former number three in the world has in fact declared that i Fab Fourtennis players capable of demonstrating a incredible longevity and to win with continuity with few precedents, are an exception, not the rule: “I believe that in the future we will see fewer and fewer athletes who are still competitive at 36 or 37 years old“.

Until 20 years ago, according to him, stopping at 30 was not considered anomalous. Today things have changed, but for him to continue moving forward would not be right: “After the injury I never felt at ease, I was no longer the tennis player I was before, I couldn’t hit some shots anymore. I feel much older than a thirty year old“.

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