the Roman selection wins the Bears Trophy in Madrid

The rebirth of Wolves can finally be said to be complete, to the delight of fans of rugby of all ages: the older ones who remember the team’s first adventure between the Seventies and Nineties, and those who did not experience it firsthand. Welcomed with enthusiasm by the Italian rugby community of Madridthe current Wolves (heirs to the selection of Central-South, reborn under the banner of Lazio rugby) won last Saturday the Bears Trophy, organized by the Rugby Club Orsi Italiani Madrid and held in the Complutense University stadium (where the Spanish national team plays). The team, made up of the best young of the Serie A Elite and Serie A teams (Fiamme Oro, Lazio, Capitolina, Rugby Roma, Villa Pamphili and Frascati Primavera and Civitavecchia) won the two 40-minute matches played with RC French High School (defeated 57-0) e RC Cisnero (38-7). To Captain Andrea Chianucci (third line of the Fiamme Oro) also the award as best player of the tournament.

Director Valsecchi: «True attachment to the shirt demonstrated»

From a technical point of view, considering that the Wolves took to the pitch after only 5 training sessions (and with the Lazio players only present at the end), a lot of quality was seen on the pitch, as explained by technical director Sven Valsecchi: «The boys showed attachment to the shirt and behaved like real rugby players. They adapted very well to the coaches’ requests and played with intelligence. This shows that our region produces quality young people. Despite coming from different teams, in just three days together they managed to create a healthy group.” The two coaches, Alfredo, were also satisfied De Angelis (Lazio) and Daniele Montella (Rugby Rome). «The final – says Montella – featured quality rugby and even if the gap was wide, the opponent didn’t play bad at all. It was very interesting to see continuity in the game on our part and, especially after the try conceded, greater dynamism, speed, attention and excellent defence». My colleague was also satisfied: «It is precisely in situations in which the level is lowered a bit that we risk making a fool of ourselves, which is why our objective was to propose a good rugby».

What a welcome in Madrid! Pollak: «We, a small national team»

The Wolves didn’t go to Madrid just to play a tournament, but also to export a name, a symbol, a tradition. In this sense, the invitation from the Rugby Club Orsi Italiani Madrid and the close collaboration generated was fundamental. «For our group, made up of management and team, it was important to maintain a distinct behavior even off the field», says Fabrizio Pollak, head of external relations for the Wolves. «A handful of kids from different teams had to become a group in a very short time. And so it was: what was originally a selection became a team. Everywhere we went, from walking around the city to visiting at the Embassy of Italy, we were welcomed in a wonderful way.” The boys responded enthusiastically to the requests of the Italian fans and the staff of the visiting club, who welcomed them at the stadium like heroes: the requests for photos and autographs made them feel «like a small national team, and on the pitch the response was exceptional,” adds Pollak. Without forgetting the attention dedicated by the Wolves to Pietro’s boys Pistoccocoach of the section “Inclusive Rugby” of the Rugby Club Orsi Italiani Madrid, which, collaborating with the COMITES (Committee of Italians Abroad) of Madrid and the RC ORSI itself, has set up a section of the same club which currently has 9 children between 7 and 9 years old suffering from pathologies details: their enthusiasm obviously moved everyone. «The Wolves now get back to work to plan the futurethe best way we have to say thank you Bizarre And ADJthe sponsors who accompanied us in this first step and who we trust can be a stimulus for other entities who want to join this group”, comments Pollak.


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