“Bad people extrapolated the sentences against Djokovic, they were only to encourage Musetti”

Corrado Barazzutti on Fanpage.it took stock of Lorenzo Musetti’s Roland Garros, with whom he collaborates, focusing on the match against Djokovic and on the suggestions given to the Italian tennis player during the match.

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Corrado Barazzutti and Simone Tartarini, in the stands of Roland Garros, tried in every way to push Lorenzo Musetti to the company against Djokovic. The icon of Italian tennis has been collaborating with Carrarino for several months to try to help him raise the bar further. It was against Nole that the best Muso was seen again even if the Serbian champion then emerged and overcame the obstacle in a comeback.

Barazzutti, former number 7 in the world and in the past captain of the Italian men’s and women’s tennis teams, spoke to Fanpage about Musetti’s moment, focusing on the shared path and the match against Djokovic. Also inevitable is a joke about the controversy over the phrases uttered by him and the player’s coach Tartarini to encourage their tennis player. A situation that shocked Barazzutti: “There are bad people who speculate, our sentences have been extrapolated because we only encouraged Lorenzo“.

Barazzutti, we finally saw the real Musetti at Roland Garros. Has he completely found himself?
“Musetti is what we saw against Djokovic and in the rounds preceding Roland Garros. This is the tennis that he knows how to play and that he must express. In this moment he has found himself, both in terms of his character and his game, and he manages to express himself at the very high levels that belong to him is his potential.

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A lot is always expected from Lorenzo: is it difficult to make fans understand that a professional athlete can have bad days and periods, like everyone else?
“Each boy has his own maturity times, there are those who arrive earlier and those who have a slower path. The ups and downs are part of the players’ tennis life. You have to be able to manage these moments. In the case of young players with great potential, they have time to improve and mature. It is clear that everyone always expects a lot, and especially those who watch tennis afterwards, are less patient they require patience because it is all the result of painstaking work. There are good and less good moments, but it is important to always be clear-headed, balanced and work in the right direction.”

Has your collaboration with Lorenzo experienced moments of difficulty due to his lack of results?
“Absolutely not. I had the honor of working with a player like Musetti, and it’s something that would please any coach. I was contacted by Tartarini, his coach, who is basically the one who has worked and has always worked with Lorenzo He has an enviable path because he took it when he was little and brought it to these levels. I have a great deal of experience that I have made available to both Lorenzo and Simone, and which I hope can be an important contribution to the team. growth”.


A beautiful synergy was therefore created with Tartarini and Musetti.
“Tartarini is the great creator of Musetti and we hope that Lorenzo can continue to grow, becoming one of the best players in the world, in a more continuous manner. He has shown that he has great potential and now he has been playing at the highest levels for 3-4 weeks. It was a complicated approach, also because Simone and Lorenzo are very helpful and it’s very easy to relate to them. In my opinion, Tartarini is also one of the best coaches and he made this choice to have me around for a further contribution.”

In general, do you think that this idea of ​​collaborations, or Supercoach, can always be profitable?
“I believe it could be many things. There are several players who have a historic coach and then collaborations. This is the case of Sinner who has changed and has two coaches, Vagnozzi and Cahill who collaborate together. I believe that in some cases it could be a path, or a choice you arrive at to try to give a greater contribution to the player. I think it can be constructive.”

Returning to the match between Musetti and Djokovic, Nole seemed lost and finished, then he rose again. Do you think that the match was won more by him than lost by Lorenzo?
“I had this feeling. There was a moment in which Lorenzo had the game in his hands: he was managing the match. And this was also declared by Djokovic who said ‘I no longer knew what to do to score a point’ And among other things I had the feeling that Nole was exhausted after three rather tough sets. look, he’s tired, he’s dead, make him move.’ Then suddenly in the fourth set, at 3-2, 40-30 Musetti made a double fault, and Djokovic had a jolt. The match changed: it’s as if he had given the chance to get back into the game and get it back and from there there was nothing more to do.”

In short, Djokovic impressed her, he was literally reborn.
“A Djokovic that I would have expected in the first sets, but not in the fourth and fifth after a very tough match given how well Musetti was playing, and considering his age. I wouldn’t have expected Novak to come out with such overbearing physical strength. I was very surprised, because then Lorenzo was almost crushed by the game and the exuberance of Djokovic who moved and responded very well, as if he had found some energy that he had kept hidden. We can’t help but bow, because we have to remember this he is the greatest player of all time, otherwise he wouldn’t do what he does. Hats off and respect to Nole, who has proven to be a champion. There was a moment when Musetti had outclassed him and yes he saw that he was suffering even in long rallies. He recovered.”

There was a lot of talk about his and Tartarini’s words to Musetti during the match (“make him move, he’s finished, he’s dead”, “in 15 minutes it’ll all be over”). Do you think it was exaggerated?
“I read that some of our sentences were extrapolated which in reality don’t seem anything bad to me. I didn’t understand why there was an outcry when we said ‘make him move because he’s dead’ or when we said to Tartarini ‘since he’s so bad that he would retire’. Nothing much, Simone said like ‘play so that the game ends quickly’ or something similar, but he said it because there was a moment when Musetti had a leg problem, it was just a problem. encouragement to play. They were messages to encourage him.

Can we call it locker room advice with cameras that are too invasive?
“Apart from this, I don’t think we said anything offensive towards anyone, it’s clear that these open microphones could even make a bad word heard, because there we talk freely without worrying about their presence. I don’t know how much it’s worth It’s worth clarifying. Especially when they speculate: there are bad people who speculate on phrases that, among other things, have nothing offensive. Nobody insulted anyone, we spoke to send messages to our player.”


How difficult was it to play at night, until 3am? Don’t you think this is a situation worth taking action on?
“There was also a complaint from Ruud who said that tennis is the only sport where you play until 2-3 in the morning, he’s right. There is a limit to everything: there were problems because there ‘It was Dimitrov’s match that had to end that day, because then they would have had to play the next day considering that it rained all week. It was an emergency because the rain caused delays, with matches piling up The organizers do everything to ensure that it doesn’t happen but it depends on the weather and certainly finishing at 3am doesn’t please anyone, but at that time the athletes are playing in difficult conditions.”

Between routine and various things then it got even later, I imagine.
“In the end we went to bed at 5 because it upsets everything: after the match there was the obligatory media, then massage etc, transport to the hotel, a mess. It must be recognized that in any case the organization did everything it could because everyone the times were delayed due to the rain. But as they say in the show ‘the show must go on'”.

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