Falconara / He gets injured and his rugby teammates paint his chalet

Falconara – The eternal rugby boys they don’t have us from Falconarese thought twice: yes. I am armed with a brush and of tools and they went to help laurel Friend And teammate forced by a bad injuryfracture of the tibia and fibula, a to stay stopped and not being able to walk.

So when Marco Mengucciowner of the factory with his brother Mauro Heidi on the seafront of Marina di Montemarciano, saw the newly painted sheds and the closets in order he couldn’t help but stay surprised even if he had already had the opportunity to appreciate it solidarity And friendship That characterize the rugby environment.

Marco Mengucci during a training of the Crabs aheadthe team old of the Rugby Falconarahad suffered the injury that prevented him from working at make-up of the bathing establishment, precisely on the days when the summer season is upon us.

His fellow gods Crabs aheadthen, they decided to help him in the maintenance of the establishment which is also a seaside restaurant that the Mengucci family has been running for 56 years.


«We put our whole life into it – says Marco – mine and that of my brother Mauro, continuing what our parents taught us. My father who emigrated to Germany had met my mother, who is German, and they decided to return to open this business that we we carry on with great sacrifices but also with satisfaction».

And so, as in the best spirit of rugby, the comrades of Crabs ahead they spared no effort and dedication and helped the Menguccis with the painting work.

«They had already helped me when they were there storm surges who have done damage – he continues –, after all in rugby they reign these valuesnot only in third time: solidarity, respect, spirit of aggregation.”

THE Crabs ahead they make an appointment for next Saturday when al Cormorant Park the Tournament will be played Mustachioed Crabwith 160 players from all over Italy, who will present themselves on the field all with mustaches.

Marco Mengucci will be on the sidelines to thank his teammates who he has already invited to dinner Heidi.

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