bad motorbike accident for the rider, fans anxious

bad motorbike accident for the rider, fans anxious
bad motorbike accident for the rider, fans anxious

Motorsport is sometimes called upon to deliver terrible news. This time too it went like this, here’s what happened.

Motorsport, more often than not, gives extraordinary emotions and truly unforgettable moments. In over fifty years of motoring history, two and four wheel racing has truly given us very special events. Unfortunately, very sad moments also remain in the memory, and this is one of them.

Motorsport (

The danger is always lurking. This is an aspect inseparable from motor sport, which drivers and teams know very well and accept without too many problems. The game is worth the candle, as they say. In cases like the one we are about to discover, however, the fear that something actually serious will happen can be really high.

Motorsport, what a risk: here’s what happened

Thibault Benistantofficial Yamaha rider in MX2, will miss the next races of the motocross world championship due to a fracture of the C5 vertebra remedied in the timed trials of the French Grand Prix. Considering that everything happened at a point on the track where really high speeds are reached, we can be satisfied with how this story ended. Even before the Benistant accident, Tom Guyon had fallen and remained on the ground for more than a few moments, being treated by doctors. This fall had also required the presence of the white flag and red cross, which was waved at the end of the descent.

Benistant ( – Instagram Benistant)

Benistant, however, had concentrated assiduously on his fastest lap and evidently did not notice – until it was too late – the situation that presented itself before him. When he realized what was happening, he braked sharply, lost control of the motorcycle and ended up being thrown forward. As mentioned previously, it is a very fast point on the circuit, so the impact could only be very strong. And in fact, the Frenchman remained on the ground for some time, ending up being transported to the medical center for all the necessary treatments.

The session was subsequently interrupted with a red flag to allow immediate medical attention for Benistant, who remained at the medical center all day. The first tests excluded significant physical problems, while more in-depth analyzes revealed that the pilot in question suffered a small fracture of the C5 vertebra, which is located at the height of the neck. There is no need for surgery, so after a short time – relatively speaking – he will be able to return to the track.

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