Rugby – series B – The sports judge destroys USR Benevento. We hope for an appeal.

Rugby – series B – The sports judge destroys USR Benevento. We hope for an appeal.
Rugby – series B – The sports judge destroys USR Benevento. We hope for an appeal.

Yellow in the first play-off round. The sports judge decreed the defeat of Benevento with the result of 28 to 0 (equal to 4 goals converted) thus reforming the result of the field which had seen the victory of Formigine by 18 to 16. This is because, as stated in the reasons of the official press release “USR Benevento, despite having the regular number of front row players in the match list, as required by the rules of the game, did not however guarantee the minimum replacements for them” The Samnite club promptly appealed to the Sports Court of Appeal of the FIR with the patronage of the lawyer. Lorenzo Fusco of the Naples Bar.
The main defensive theory is that number 5, replaced due to injury in the 2nd minute of the first half, was to be considered starting prop, as the number on his shirt was worthless and above all because no scrum had been played before his injury, so the referee had not been able to identify which was the effective front row of Benevento, who had on the pitch, in addition to the hooker, the numbers 1, 3 and 5, all authorized to play the role of prop.
The appeal will be discussed on May 30th, so tomorrow in the return match, which will be played on the neutral pitch in Viterbo, Benevento will have to provide a great performance to win the match and then hope for an annulment of the sports judge’s decision. Otherwise the certainty of overcoming the Emilians would only be ensured by a victory with 4 tries scored and at least 29 points ahead. Something very unlikely given the balance that characterized the first leg.

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