FIPAV Lazio – 44th edition of the “Appio Tournament

The important end-of-season Roman and Lazio volleyball tournament is back, featuring solidarity initiatives.

The ASD Appio Roma Pallavolo company, in collaboration with the ASD Roma Centro proudly announces the organization of the 44th edition of the APPIO TOURNAMENT – “MARIA PINZUTI” MEMORIAL. This tournament, supported by Fipav Lazio Regional Committee and from Fipav Territorial Committee of Romegoes beyond the purely sporting aspect, representing an opportunity to promote solidarity.

The Tournament and the “Alfredo Agro’” Association

Appio Roma Pallavolo wants to remember its first president, Maria Pinzuti, a prominent figure in the world of sport and passionate about volleyball, who suffered from leukemia years ago. This event, which has been held for over 44 years old, with the exception of two years of interruption due to Covid, not only aims to promote sport, but also to raise awareness on the topic of leukemic diseases. During the event, a fundraiser is planned between all the participating teams, destined for meritorious associations that work in the social sector and in the fight against leukemia, such as the “Alfredo Agro’” Social and Health Association. The funds raised will be donated through the association to ASL Rome C and employed in favor of the Hematology and Pediatrics departments of the S. Eugenio and S. Giovanni Addolorata Hospitals, in order to support free home care for leukemia patients. In over 20 years of support, thanks to the generosity of the participants, various medical devices have been purchased and assistance has been provided to numerous patients.

The demonstration, which will begin on May 20th, involves dividing the teams into groups in the first phase, and then moving on to a scoreboard that will take the winning teams to the finals. The matches in the qualifying phases will take place at the gaming facilities made available by the participating clubs, located in the Lazio region. The finals they will dispute Saturday 22 or Sunday 23 June 2024 (date to be confirmed) at facilities made available by the Tournament organizing committee. At the end of the finals, the winning teams will be rewarded. Special prizes will be awarded to players who have distinguished themselves during the tournament, in addition to the “Fair Play Award” dedicated to the memory of Ivano Ariostoreserved for the company manager who best embodies the values ​​of sportsmanship, loyalty, determination and generosity.

The History of the Appio Tournament

The Appio Tournament, since its inaugural edition, has traditionally taken place at the end of the competitive seasons, in the months of May and June, allowing athletes to continue playing even after the end of the federal championships. Born in 1978 as an exclusively women’s quadrangular, the tournament quickly expanded its scope, welcoming men’s teams and growing in participation and prestige. Over the years, it has hosted events in various locations, also involving companies from other territories and even organizing special editions in suggestive locations such as Gradoli and Veroli. The history of the tournament is intertwined with significant events, such as the opening to participation of all Rome teams in 1999, the activation of the collaboration with the Alfredo Agrò Association to raise funds for the fight against leukemia, and the the use of new structures such as the Foro Italico facilities and the Stadio dei Marmi. For over four decades, the Appio Tournament has continued to grow and adapt to the needs of teams and players, keeping the passion for volleyball alive and promoting values ​​such as fair play and solidarity.

Statements by Pino RossiPresident of the Organizing Committee of the Appio Tournament, as well as founder of the Appio Roma Pallavolo (in 1977)

How has the tournament changed over these years and what are the most significant and important moments that you remember?

“Having such a long history, it is clear that the tournament has changed a lot over time, while maintaining, even in the less important editions, its recognizable dignity. Even the purposes, initially purely sporting, then became, starting from 2000, the death of the historic President of Appio Roma due to leukemia, including social ones, donating the sums obtained from registrations to associations operating in the medical and social assistance sector. The edition of the year 2000, the XXII, was significant and unforgettable final stages took place on the tennis courts of the Foro Italico specially set up and covered with taraflex. A wonderful spectacle, unique in the national tournament scene!”

What are the challenges and satisfactions in organizing an event as important and with a long tradition as this tournament?

“The challenge is to always be in step with the times, competitive through the innovations that technology offers us and if possible innovative in the technical regulations. The satisfactions are given to us by the high number of participants, many athletes, managers, coaches , never fail to make us feel their closeness and support.”

What are the expectations and goals for the future of the Appio tournament?

“The ever-high expectations to achieve increasingly ambitious goals, to purchase the next healthcare machinery to be used in the hematology and/or pediatrics departments of the hospitals where the social/healthcare associations we support operate.”

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