Juventus, Rabiot and the shocking revelation about the locker room: angry fans

After the equalizer against Salernitana, the midfielder actually announced that he will say goodbye to the Bianconeri, adding that many teammates have doubts about their staying

Adrien Rabiot he avoided the Juventus the fool of the knockout with the Salernitana already relegated, however at the end of the match the midfielder it displeased the fans bianconeri announcing his Goodbye at the end of the season. Disturbing backstory revealed by the Frenchman: many of his companions have doubts about staying at Juventus.

Juventus, Rabiot says goodbye between the lines

Adrien Rabiotwho scored yesterday in tie suffered against the already relegated Salernitanawas one of the few players of the Juventus to offer continuity of performance throughout the season. At the end of the match, however, the Frenchman said he was doubtful about his future with Juventus: for many of him his words were words ofGoodbye. “Until we have achieved our objectives, we will not talk to the club – declared Rabiot – I am happy and proud to be here and to lead this team of young people. This evening I also had the captain’s armband. But in football you have to talk: there are things to say, but we’ll see after the final. We will have time to do it.”

Juventus, the background on the dressing room revealed by Rabiot

What worries Juventus fans, however, are other considerations offered by Rabiot, who also revealed a backstory on locker room: like him, many others companions they have serious team members doubts on whether or not to stay at Juventus next season. “I’m talking about a group, I’m not the only one here – added Rabiot -. Many don’t know what to do next year, even in staff, many of us have to think. I don’t know if I’ll be there yet, but I have to give everything and try to win to put the team in the best conditions for next year.”

Juventus, fans enraged after Rabiot’s words

For the fans, Rabiot’s words are alarming. We knew about the midfielder’s desire for a change of scenery, but the fact that so many players – among other things after a less than exciting year – want to leave a prestigious club like Juventus represents a serious problem. “These statements by Rabiot are very serious – underlines MomoSaid on X -, if society has left everyone in limbo uncertainty…I wouldn’t be surprised at all performance of the return day, and I repeat, it is very serious.” “Rabiot has opened Pandora’s box – adds Savocanatale -. For months at Juventus there has been a climate of free everyone and no one, including everyone Giuntoli, manages to keep the bar straight.” “Rabiot didn’t reveal anything – writes Stefano – to whom it wasn’t clear that the environment was not very united?”. Baba Yaga instead rejoices: “Well both he and many others have to follow him with suitcase in hand. You’re not from Juventus. Little but for sure.”

Juventus, Rabiot and the shocking revelation about the locker room: angry fans
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