The “horror film” shot by Filippo Turetta. Giulia Cecchettin’s last hours on his phone

Screen Fourth Grade

Unfortunately it is not a movie, unfortunately it really happened. But investigators can now see the premises and consecutive times in the murder of Giulia Cecchettin. It happens thanks to the analysis of the smartphone content of Philip Turettawho before and after the crime would have carried out very specific actions: one wonders whether these actions could earn him, in the trial that will start in autumn 2024, the aggravating circumstances of premeditation and cruelty, while his defenders seem to be aiming at the possibility that only pre-ordination will be established.

In the days before the murder

Filippo’s smartphone traces very precise lines on what was the tenor of the dialogue between him and Giulia in the days preceding the murder. The two broke up in the summer of 2023, but Filippo would have demanded the Good night every night, in addition to asking her about the people she went out with, both friends and a boy Giulia had started to meet. Faced with Filippo’s insistence, Giulia replied that she would have blocked him: “If you act like a psychopath, I act accordingly by walking away, walking away Pippo, because you’re starting to scare me.”, is the content of a message shown to Fourth Degree.

He asks for explanations, but Giulia gives him an answer that is illustrative of the climate in which she was living, a climate previously witnessed by messages and outbursts with her friends and sister. Elena Cecchettin: “Pippo, it scares me, because I know what you’re like, I know what you’ve done certain times, I know what you’ve said certain times, and therefore, honestly telling you now and then about something that you, in general, don’t want me to do, scares me. ok? Because I know that you could show up, that you could do… anything, that if you don’t show up there right away, it could also be that you come looking for me later, I don’t want these things, ok. I want to stay calm, it’s just that sometimes you scare me”.

Giulia then complained about the check that Philip would have tried to exercise. But the problem for him does not seem to be the goodnight, so much so that at a certain point he blurts out: “How can you think about starting to date another guy? What a ridiculous person are you?”.

The photos at the mall

A certificate of the alleged obsession Filippo’s accusation against Giulia finds a clue in the photos taken at the shopping center on the evening of November 11, 2023, the evening of the crime. They are all 52 shots which Filippo creates starting from 5.50pm, when the cameras of the same shopping center frame them. Among them there are also three different photos taken within 5 seconds. They collect evidence of the graduation dresses, the shoes, Giulia intent on sending messages to her sister, and finally the fast food restaurant. Giulia appears elusive and annoyed.

After the fast food, as is known, the two stopped in a parking lot Vigonovowhere a first assault was supposedly committed. The subsequent images, this time from video surveillance, immortalise them once again at 11.39pm in the industrial area of Ditchwhere a second attack would have taken place, perhaps the lethal one for Giulia.

The attack and the escape

At 11.10pm, while they were in Vigonovo, Filippo would have turned off themaps apponly to reactivate it briefly 40 minutes later. It then did not return online until November 18, the day of its capture in Germany.

But that week Filippo’s smartphone is not turned off: he looks at both the photos taken at the shopping centre on November 11th and those of a day at the beach. And he also analyses the images downloaded from the maps before the evening of the attack: these are impervious mountain areaslike the place, near Lake Barchis, where Giulia’s body was abandoned.

In those days Filippo also wrote a letter to parents which reads: “I didn’t want it, I don’t know why I did it, I never thought I wanted it to happen”. And again on November 16th it records a file audio shock addressed to Giulia, killed and abandoned for days: “I love you, you were everything to me, you are my whole life. Where are you Giulia, where are you? Why? Why? Giulia what did I do? I did everything for you, I was happy. Where are you down? I love you, you are everything to me, the person who loved me the most, I need you and Giulia. You are everything I wanted, I miss you. Love bagigetta, chicken, chip.

The shoes we bought are beautiful, they were beautiful. You are beautiful, you are the most beautiful thing in the world. If the most beautiful and important girl in the whole universe. You are everything to me, everything… I want to die, I want to die, I want to die.”

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