«My son is a worker. He is a stranger to such madness »

«My son is a worker. He is a stranger to such madness »
«My son is a worker. He is a stranger to such madness »

A phone call in the middle of the night was the beginning of the nightmare for Ciro Bianco, father of Alessio, the 25-year-old Neapolitan wounded by gunshots the night between Wednesday and Thursday. A nightmare that has dragged the mother, the brother of the young man and the entire family of the boy who is now in danger of his life, hospitalized in the hospital, into the deepest desperation.Vecchio Pellegrini hospital in Naples.

After a night spent almost in apnea, between prayers and tears, while Alessio underwent an emergency operation, Ciro he did not leave the garrison for even a moment dry pine shuttling between the hospital wards and the bar in front of the hospital where dozens of relatives and friends had gathered.

«We came here to give strength to Alessio and to his father, this is a delicate moment and we trust in the doctors who are doing their utmost” reported some relatives who, yesterday, remained for hours in front of the hospital entrance, bringing their children and newborns with them so as not to give up being present. Among acquaintances, friends and close relatives, a choral voice shared by all was repeated several times.

«Alessio has always been a very good boy since he was little» said an uncle, almost the same age as the 25-year-old, reiterating that «he is a respectable person who has never had problems of any kind with justice, a worker and a boy with values.” Just over a month has passed since Alessio turned 25, at the end of May. He is now hospitalized in the intensive care unit of Old Pellegriniin a reserved prognosis and in danger of life after treatment for the serious abdominal trauma caused by the gunshot wounds suffered.

Upon his arrival, shortly after one in the morning between Wednesday and Thursday, the 25-year-old was assisted with a red code in the emergency room and immediately operated on by the teams coordinated by the head of Emergency Surgery, Corrado FantiniThe young man who needed transfusions was then admitted, from the beginning, to the intensive care unit directed by Ciro Fittipaldi who is currently constantly monitoring the clinical progress of the boy who, yesterday, in the late morning, was again transferred to the operating room.

So after a night spent in the waiting room in front of the operating room, Ciro, yesterday morning, found himself once again in front of the metal doors that separated him from his son, who was undergoing a check-up on the operating table to assess and monitor the injuries caused by the bullets. It took more than two hours, faced once again with his heart in his throat, before the father of Alessio he was reassured by the doctors about the successful tests which however do not change the seriousness of the prognosis and the danger to his life.

Cyrus White he is a tall, corpulent man, he looks like a rock of those that never crumble. His eyes, full of tears and worry, yesterday, spoke for him and the only thread of voice that he had left, was to describe his son, once Alessio, yesterday afternoon, left the operating room to return to the ward of Resuscitation.

“My son is a worker, he works as a pizza assistant and, before that, he worked in a delicatessen, he is a boy with values ​​who has never had problems with the law or drugs, he is simply a good boy” he explained the father, sitting together with the young man’s uncles who supported him and accompanied him throughout the day. In this moment of deep and painful concern, there is no room for other questions or even for other thoughts. Ciro doesn’t know what exactly happened but, for him and his family, the evening of the tragedy must have been an evening like many others in which Alessio who often came home after work, had instead allowed himself an outing since he wasn’t on duty at work the next day.

“The only thing that matters to us now is that my son can recover as soon as possible and heal, there is nothing else important now” explained the boy’s father, underlining a thought shared by all the family members and relatives gathered in front of the hospital.

Tall, slim, with hazel eyes, a goatee and an infectious smile. He is so Alessio, a sunny, carefree boy with his head on his shoulders. Those who talk about him, tell of his generous and responsible side, describing a portrait of a clean person, far from ambiguous situations. “He’s a good boy and has never had problems with anyone, he certainly had nothing to do with the shooting.”

This sentence was uttered several times yesterday by friends and acquaintances of Alessio, a resident of the neighborhood Saint Joseph, in the heart of the ancient centre. The 25-year-old is described by those who have always known him, in the neighborhood, as “a quiet boy, with no worries who has always worked honestly, with the aim of helping his family” and it is no coincidence that the young man, after losing his job during the pandemic, he rolled up his sleeves, managing to carve out a job as an assistant pizza chef in a place in the historic centre.

Friends say that he was endearing himself to his colleagues and above all to the owner of the restaurant who held him in high regard. The affection and friendship that surrounds Alessio it is palpable in the neighborhood but, it is not difficult to intercept, also a certain reticence in exposing oneself as if, somehow, the tragedy carried out by gunshots has nevertheless brought down a cloud of silence and fear. In any case, even for the friends of always now only one thing matters and one wish: «Alessio comes home soon».

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