The parties’ programs in brief for the 2024 European elections: a comparison of the hot topics

Rome, 6 June 2024 – A few days from European Championships 2024voters’ attention is focused on party programs. In a context of great relevance for the future of the European Union, it is essential to understand the different positions and proposals on crucial themes such as defense, economic policies, the environment and international relations. In this article we will analyze in detail the visions of the Brothers of Italy, Forza Italia, the League, the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement, the United States of Europe, the Green Alliance and the Left, Action, Earth, Peace, Dignity and Freedom. We will accompany the textual part with one mini graphic guideuseful for comparing the parties’ positions across the ‘hot’ issues. A complete overview of the ideas and strategies that the individual political forces intend to propose if and when they land in the European Parliament.

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The positions of the parties on foreign policy issues

The positions of the parties on foreign policy issues

The raw nerve of this electoral round will be the defence: the Russian invasion of Ukraine is in fact the most relevant chapter regarding the horizons of the EU. On the very current topic ofsending weapons for the defense of the country invaded by Russia, the Brothers of Italy, Forza Italia, United States of Europe and Action declare themselves in favour, while the 5 Star Movement, the League, the Green-Left Alliance, Libertà e Pace Terra Dignità are against. The Democratic Party, however, has not expressed a position on the matter. Regarding the possible Ukraine’s accession to the EU FdI, Pd, Forza Italia, United States of Europe and Action expressed their support, while the M5s, the League, the Green-Left Alliance and Libertà did not express a position. Only the Peace Earth Dignity list is against it.

There seems to be more agreement between the parties than Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the majority declare themselves in favor of the “two peoples, two states” solution, with the exception of Michele Santoro’s list, which is against it. The League and the Libertà list have not expressed a position on the matter.

The positions of the parties on defense and economic issues

The positions of the parties on defense and economic issues

Regarding the economic issuesare in favor of the possibility of debt sharing among EU countries the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement, Forza Italia, Action and the Green-Left Alliance, while the League is against it. The other parties did not take a position. There is greater disagreement however on minimum salary: among those against are the right-wing parties (FdI, FI and Lega), while the Pd, M5s, Action, Green-Left Alliance and Pace Terra Dignità are in favour.

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European elections 2024, what you need to vote: the necessary documents

Come on environmental issuesFratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and the League are against the possibility of ban on combustion engines within 5 years, while they are in favor of the use of energy nuclear. On opposite positions are the 5 Star Movement, the Green-Left Alliance and Pace Terra Dignità, against nuclear power and in favor of the ban on combustion engines. Pd and Libertà do not express their opinion on this last point.

The positions of the parties on environmental and civil rights issues

The positions of the parties on environmental and civil rights issues

Finally, compared to civil rights are in favor of guarantee the right to abortion at the European level Pd, M5s, United States of Europe, Action, Green-Left Alliance and Peace Earth Dignity, while Brothers of Italy, League and Freedom are against. Forza Italia has not expressed a position on the matter.

Similar situation regarding i gay marriages: Pd, M5s, United States of Europe, Action, Green-Left Alliance and Pace Terra Dignità in favor, Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia against. The League did not comment.

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