“There was a large amount of blood present”

Murder of Giulia Tramontano, latest news


May 23, 2024


Another hearing in the trial of Alessandro Impagnatiello, who confessed to the murder of his partner Giulia Tramontano. The Res. are heard in the courtroom. The victim’s family was absent.

Alessandro Impagnatiello (photo from LaPresse) and Giulia Tramontano (photo from Facebook)

The new hearing has begun process at the expense of Alessandro Impagnatiellothe 30-year-old accused ofvoluntary homicide of his partner Giulia Tramontano occurred last May 27th in their home in Senago (Milan). The barman killed the 29-year-old in her seventh month pregnancy with 37 stab wounds and, after trying to burn it, he hid the girl’s body by staging her voluntary disappearance. Today in Court the Ris and Sis carabinieri. At the center of the debate are the investigations carried out at the crime scene, or the three-room apartment in Senago where Tramontano was killed. There family of the victim decided to do not show up in court because, as he said to Fanpage.it the lawyer Giovanni Cacciapuoti, “strong images could be projected”.

The testimony of Colonel Marchetti

The first to speak is the Colonel Christian MarchettiSis manager of Milan (Carabinieri scientific investigations section) who carried out the inspection of Senago’s apartment and carried out the investigations in Alessandro Impagnatiello’s car starting from 31 May 2023.

The activity carried out by my section has developed into three distinct moments. The first was to carry out surveys on thecar of Impagnatiello after she was taken to the barracks. The main goal was to search obvious or latent traces of blood. The first inspection was negative, so we used the luminol which allows us to overcome the criticality of false positives (data for example from rust, bleach, some paints).

We found two luminescences on the car, a particularly important one in the trunk. This happened at 10.30 in the morning (on May 31st), while the investigations on Impagnatiello’s cell phone were also taking place. It was the first time I responded to my colleagues without hesitation. The luminol lasted 5 minutes (usually lasts for a few seconds) and was visible to the naked eye. There was certainly a large amount of blood present.

According to Colonel Marchetti, therefore, the there was a lot of blood inside that car, although the car gave the impression of being extremely clean.

Impagnatiello trial, what happens today: the findings in the house in Senago where Giulia Tramontano killed

He remembers that in those days he saw Alessandro Impagnatiello several times, both before starting the technical checks and during. “The first time I met him I didn’t notice anything particularthe second and third time, however, he had it look down and me he seemed more thoughtful“, recalls the Colonel.

After the car it was the turn of theapartment. Here, the investigations began fromexternal: on May 31, luminol was used in the external stairs, in the cellar and in the garage. The June 6however, the Sis they entered the three-room apartment where Giulia Tramontano and Alessandro Impagnatiello lived.

At home the activity started from bath and then we proceeded backwards towards the exit so as not to pollute the environment. The most notable luminescence was found in the living room, where there were large quantities of blood on the floor. The most notable feature was the fact that we sprayed the carpet and sofa first and both came back absolutely negative.

We have then removed the carpet and the floor underneath it was full of blood clearly visible under luminol. Other traces were found near the drying rack in the living room, on the kitchen floor, in the hallway, on the skirting board and in the bathroom, in particular on the bidet hose and the bathtub drain, but also on the washing machine.

The Colonel explains how no active traces of blood were found. This means that the floor had been washed very well. But it also means something else: it cannot be said exactly where the murder took place. Even if Marchetti doesn’t have many doubts:

In my experience it happened in the room. If it had happened in the bathroom or kitchen, being small rooms, with the luminol you would certainly have seen splashes on the walls. Instead in the room, which is larger, there was one active sketch on the wall near the exit. Definitely when the action occurred the carpet was not present And the couch was covered.

Not finding signs of significant scratches in the hallway and in the bathroom (which however have a very smooth floor surface, easy to clean well), it is conceivable that there was no dragging of the body. In the bathroom we found no burn marks on basinthere was just a purple spot. We also took three samples to check for the presence of any accelerants.

Colonel Marchetti continues with the description of the finds, such as knives on the kitchen counter or tools that may have been used for cleaning. Both inside and outside the apartment, they were found several bottles of bleach and detergentwith plastic bags. The last find was lo Backpack where two were found inside sachets of rat poison.

The reconstruction of the Sis

After Colonel Marchetti, in the courtroom, another member of the group is heard seventh section of the Sis, the deputy brigadier Emilio Torani, who carried out checks in the apartment to check for the presence of bloodstains. She confirms what has already been said: “Both outside and inside the house we detected very intense and long-lasting luminescence”. Furthermore, she explains, all these traces of blood had the mop streak shape, “a sign that they had been cleaned”. Luminescence was also found on shoes of Impagnatiello.

Instead, the cellar it was a small space containing many objects crowded together. Traces of blood were found here too of course the body must have been hereas well as in the garagewhere it was heard burning smell and the spotlight cover was loose. Definitely here there was a dragbut nothing was visible to the naked eye, everything had been cleaned.

The word then passes to Marshal Scavelli. Being a laboratory analyst, they were entrusted to him the finds to carry out the analyses. I’m from three types: the first is that of 6 June, which includes the cleaning material, then there are the finds collected on 9 June during the autopsy, such as the plastic bags in which the victim’s body was wrapped, finally, on 27 June, the American-style tape, used by Impagnatiello to attach the nylon bags to Giulia’s lifeless body. Traces of blood were found in a bottle of ammonia and in latex gloves. Her hair, however, in plastic bags.

The final optical inspection photographed several papillary traces (i.e. fingerprints), which were compared directly with Impagnatiello’s DNA and on all of them the outcome was positive. No footprints attributable to other people were found.

The Ris of Parma: the testimony of Colonel Marino

Colonel Marine of Ris of Parma is heard regarding the biological tests carried out on the findings acquired by the Judicial Police in May and June 2023.

We analyzed the floor of the defendant’s car and one of the areas tested positive. These withdrawals are then results positive to Giulia Tramontano’s DNA. Only on the knife block was mixed genetic material found, from the accused and the victim.

Among the findings in the hands of the RIS, also those acquired during autopsy, such as victim’s nails. Then, the Colonel concludes:

Most of the withdrawals made provided outcomes attributable to the victimbut with mixed organic material (victim and accused), so it is not possible to establish, except for interpretationto which of the two the blood belongs and to which the rest of the organic material.

Marshal Giuseppe Massimiliano

It was then the turn of Marshal Giuseppe Massimiliano who reported that the kitchen knives present in Senago’s house were completely clean. Strange thing, according to the prosecutor’s comment.

At the end of his brief testimony, thehearing is over. The next court meeting is scheduled for Monday 27 May.

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