Milan, policeman stabbed in Lambrate: it’s serious. A 37-year-old was arrested for throwing stones from above at passers-by

Milan, policeman stabbed in Lambrate: it’s serious. A 37-year-old was arrested for throwing stones from above at passers-by
Milan, policeman stabbed in Lambrate: it’s serious. A 37-year-old was arrested for throwing stones from above at passers-by

OfMatteo Castagnoli

The alarm raised at midnight by a woman hit in the head. The police intervened with the taser, but the man, in an altered state, pulled out a knife. The 35-year-old underwent emergency surgery for internal bleeding

THE stones they fly from platform 12 of the station Lambrate. Some against trains, others fall in the middle of the road, at the metro entrance. Bottini Square, a few minutes before midnight between Wednesday and Thursday. AND a 55 year old Italian to call 112 because someone from above throws stones. One there hits you on the head, so much so that she will be rescued in via Viotti and taken to Fatebenefratelli under green code.

The report arrives at railway police. Who calls for reinforcements. So the Volanti arrive immediately at the Lambrate station. The officers park shortly after the tram shelter, climb the stairs to the platform and block a 37 year old, later identified as Hasan Hamis (in this article: who is the Lambrate attacker). He’s the pitcher. It is located next to the shed where some homeless people live. He is agitated and in a clear state of psychic alteration. He opposes it. To be able to intervene, the agents also use the tasers. At that point he seems blocked: arrested for attempted murder.

But the 37-year-old is indifferent to the shocks because of the jacket that he wears. She still has the strength to take out a knife (in this article the alarm of the police commissioner Petronzi: «Milan like London, too many knives in the street») and thrust the blade brutally three times in the back of a 35-year-old deputy inspector, Christian Di Martino. They remain in the attack Three officers were also slightly injured, including two elite Polfer officers with injuries that could heal in three days.

The men arrive in Piazza Bottini reinforcements. After less than an hour there are about ten Volantes. The deputy inspector Di Martino it is taken in code red at the Niguarda hospital, where he comes underwent emergency surgery for internal bleeding after injuries to some organs. THE three minor injuries they are treated by the 118 health workers, arrived at the station with two ambulances and a medical car, and taken to green code at the Fatebenefratelli hospital. The forensic police also arrive at the site of the attack to investigate the case: photos and tags to calculate the trajectory. The Atm lines of tram 19 and bus 93 remain interrupted until one in the morning.

The 37-year-old – of Moroccan origins, in Italy without a regular residence permit – includes several aliases in the database and previous criminal records against people, property and resistance to a public official. He has been arrested and taken to San Vittore prison.

The deputy inspector Di Martino he arrived at the hospital at half past midnight, during the night he underwent several operations to resolve injuries to the internal organs and large blood vessels of the abdomen and chest. The surgeons from the Niguarda trauma team operated on him. They were necessary several transfusions because he lost a lot of blood. He left the operating room at 9.30am. Her conditions are critical but stable and the prognosis is guarded. The regional councilor for Welfare arrived privately at the hospital, Guido Bertolaso, to visit the wounded man.

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May 9, 2024 (modified May 9, 2024 | 12:22)


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