Fedez: “I open a profile on OnlyFans, but no sex”

He gave up on the podcast Wild Bunch and now you open a profile on OnlyFans, Fedez he revealed it to Giuseppe Cruciani who broadcast the vocals of the phone call during the program The mosquito on Radio 24′. “Hi Crux, how are you? I have to give you some news”, says Fedez to Cruciani who replies: “Hey Fede, how are you? Bad news? Please don’t give me bad news again. What happened?”. And the rapper explains: “No, nothing serious. I decided to open an OnlyFans and I wanted to tell you first, I know you care about these things so I’ll tell you first than to my parents”. “Oh thank goodness, I thought you wanted to tell me that you wanted to write a book about Lucarelli – the journalist replies ironically – No no, OnlyFans is fine. Actually, now that I think about it. What does OnlyFans mean, are you crazy?”, asks Cruciani trying to understand more.

Fedez breaks the social silence: photos with a dog similar to Chiara Ferragni’s

edited by the Spettacoli editorial team

June 18, 2024

“I closed a collaboration with the OnlyFans guys in America and I’m opening a collaboration, a channel – explains the rapper – it’s funny, everyone tells me I have to clean up my image and I’m like, I’m opening an OnlyFans channel. More generally when everyone tells me to do one thing I feel like doing the exact opposite.” The journalist continues to dig to understand what it is about and asks Fedez if there will be nude photos on the new OnlyFans channel: “You won’t have explicit sex”, he says. “Whatever, what explicit sex, a lot of American stars use it to put their dicks on without making sexual content.” Then, answering the provocative question about the idea of ​​writing a book about Lucarelli, Fedez concludes: “Anyway, now that you’ve given me the idea about Lucarelli, I’ll do that too.”

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