The Bulletin of Friday 7 June with Colapesce Dimartino, Geolier, Laila Al Habash and much more

The Bulletin of Friday 7 June with Colapesce Dimartino, Geolier, Laila Al Habash and much more
The Bulletin of Friday 7 June with Colapesce Dimartino, Geolier, Laila Al Habash and much more

From Laila Al Habash to Colapesce Dimartino, from Fast Animals and Slow Kids to Emma Nolde, passing through Mont Baud, Festa del Perdono, Fuera, Brividee, Selmi and much more: discover the best of new music in our Friday bulletin!

Record of the week: Michele Ducci – Sive

Michele DucciSive Songwriter

Born from a piano-voice dialogue, SIVE, Michele Ducci’s debut album, seems to float on the vaporous form that its author wanted to give it. Few defined contours, many colors, and above all rich experimentation.

Colapesce Dimartino – Falling madly in love is never a business

Colapesce and Dimartino outline the contours of a summer love with the lightness of their elegant songwriting, for a bittersweet story that slides on the waves of the sea and where doubts and uncertainties often do not find an answer.

Emma Nolde – Never stop

A new chapter opens for Emma Nolde: Never stop it is a first stage that starts from the awareness of not being able to escape the frenetic pace of the world, to look for those who can still break this chain so as not to fall into the same error with which humanity has corrupted itself.

Eternal Love – Panther

Eternal Love tease their next EP with Panthera song that moves with a sensual step in the darkness to the rhythm of an enveloping disco funk groove, to accompany us with a playful attitude until the dawn of a new day.

Feast of Forgiveness – Mental society

Born from the bowels of Milanese punk, Festa del Perdono is a mystical creature that incorporates esoteric visions, prophetic proclamations and a lo fi watermark with pop ambitions, to act as singers of the digital Apocalypse and find salvation in the face of oblivion in one’s own spirituality .

Fuera – Sonega

Sonega it is an album split in half, of which we only see the first part: it is here that Fuera’s transformative process shows its state of constant evolution, where languid melodies and sudden tears intertwine with IDM, songwriting and Latin rhythms.

Laila Al Habash – Long Story Short

Laila takes full control over her songs to take care of every aspect firsthand, for an EP that explores different ways of intertwining one’s life with that of others, condensing all the emotional nuances into a handful of refined pop songs.

Mont Baud – Tough

Mont Baud play on a constant tension, dictated by the pulsations of the beat which are then exploded in sudden electronic deconstructions. As Toughit becomes an emotional ups and downs that continually takes your breath away, even in the seemingly softest moments.


Braoboy – Paix & Funk – Vol. blu: Braoboy’s debut EP starts from a synthwave matrix and then moves towards funk, vaporwave and singer-songwriter, for 5 songs poised between the dancefloor and introspection.

Chills – Hidden secret: The new discographic breakthrough explores relational dynamics filtered by the virtual dimension, immersing them in a muffled ambient with pop nuances.

Corinna – Border line: Corinna continues her journey of exploration of her unconscious through dreamlike melodies suspended on ever-varying electronic arrangements, in a dense EP that passes through ambient, synth pop, PC music and unexpected experimentations.

Cut – Zero alibis: Cuta, faced with the passing of his twenties, tries to make sense of the questions of those who find themselves between adolescence and adulthood, with introspective verses and references that range between rap, trap, house and pop.

Erin Collective – Positive Alternatives: The Erin Collective find a point of contact with the rest of the world through long suites between funk and afrobeat, until they forge a human bond that overcomes physical barriers and tries to unite people on the same rhythm.

Geolier – God knows: The ambitious new album by the Neapolitan rapper collects 21 tracks with feat. of weight and a more mature writing, where the road leaves room for the paths of life and an openness to pop.

Luchino Luce – Martyr: Luchino Luce immerses himself in a religious imaginary to talk about his three years of life in Milan, opening up to a visionary post-trap hybrid that flows both into Italian dance and into references to classical music.

Kiki – The weather: Kikì slips through the gears of a ruthless time, making his r&b a transparent armor through which to observe the changes in the environment that flows alongside him.

Santoianni – The threshold of thirty: The sense of precariousness and constant uncertainty of the millennial generation become the background of Santoianni’s songs, where he unravels the delirium of the present with lucidity and a touch of cynicism.

Straahl – Nice People: Straahl’s journey into his own unconscious is a vain attempt to escape from reality, here made increasingly suffocating by a nervous flow of techno and UK bass.


Carol – Horse: Carol seeks an escape route in a moment of transition, where she responds to the stasis of the environment around her with a song between dream pop and slacker rock to which she can gallop away.

Cilio – Totti: Cilio tells the present from his perspective with a mixture of irony and resignation, where his mix of hip hop and funk clashes with the human propensity to focus on futile things without being able to face the catastrophes that surround us.

Danxgerous – Cold Yet Dazzling: Danxgerous sings about a relationship where too much affection clouds thoughts and distorts the truth, trying to regain control over his feelings on a melancholy indie folk melody.

Easy – Love Dies Slowly: A very rough riff projects us onto the end of an exhausting love story, where frustration mounts and explodes in a liberating and suffering song at the same time.

Fast Animals and Slow Kids – Of course: Fask’s new single is a bitter resignation in the face of certainties that collapse in an instant, when the love on which everything was staked suddenly changes face.

Kilian – Diamond skyscraper: Kilian talks about his difficult relationship with Milan after moving there, confessing anxieties and disappointments caused by the metropolis in a song with a feverish club arrangement.

The Spaceships – Hyper Chaos: Le Astronavi exasperate the contradictions of the present in a disturbing single, where the shadows of dystopia stand out on a frenetic flow between punk and electronica.

Saphe – tt ok: Saphe masks his deep pain with a song where the lyrics describe an apparent sensation of serenity, while the hidden discomfort explodes in the burning discharges that hit the arrangement.

Selmi – Going very slowly: Selmi seeks another step away from the frenetic pace of life, in the impossible attempt to never have to find himself regretting a choice made.

Silent Bob – PLD: Silent Bob tells the province seen from his point of view, entering into the social dynamics that dominate it with raw bars and an enveloping instrumental to accompany them.

Stefanelli – Go on: Stefanelli’s voice clears a light electro lo fi fog in singing about a night made of dazzles and smoky memories, with the uncertainty of having really lived it or only imagined it.

Ugo Crepa, Claver Gold – 100 km/h: Ugo Crepa, with the precious help of Claver Gold, tries to metabolise the end of a story, crossing a very dark instrumental with hard and introspective bars.

Yoniro – 143: Yoniro lets himself go into a hypnotic, almost alien song, punctuated by fragments of drum & bass, poised between melancholy and romanticism.

The article The Bulletin of Friday 7 June by Vittorio Comand appeared on on 2024-06-07 10:30:00

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