New video clip for Gretel at the foot of the Ferris wheel

MUSIC – The Corridonian singer-songwriter created it for the song Voragine which she premiered on Fiorello’s program “E viva il Videobox”. It is set in the Diaz gardens

May 13, 2024 – 6.03 pm

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Gretel’s video

“Voragine” was released last Friday, the new single by Gretel, the stage name of the Lithuanian-born singer-songwriter and resident of Corridonia Greta Palmieri. The 26-year-old chose the Diaz gardens and the Ferris wheel that will remain there for a few more days for the video, also the one created by the singer herself, which accompanies the song, played and produced by Stefano Morroni and in collaboration with the co-author Francesco Palma. «It’s the first time I’ve personally attempted a video – explains Gretel – I already had my thoughts in mind and with the help of a friend I completed the work».

In the new single, the artist talks about a whirlwind of feelings that come and go within our self; they create confusion because they are conflicting, “lukewarm” and not considered. «But then a moment arrives that makes our hearts and our enthusiasm explode and open like a chasm – adds the singer-songwriter – the musicality tends to give an almost flat slowness at the beginning and then moves figuratively into a ballad where it marks a change and growth in musicality.”

Gretel, stage name of Greta Palmieri, was born in Lithuania in 1998 and since the age of 10 he has dedicated himself to the study of singing (pop and jazz) as a private student, participating in various masterclasses and musical contests. She subsequently began studying the piano and guitar and began to write her first songs, becoming a singer-songwriter. He publishes a trilogy of acoustic songs: “Pioggia dei memoria”, “L’eco dei thought” and “Il giardini delle parole”, then participates and reaches the national semi-finals of the Cantagiro in 2021. He performs live on state TV in San Marino for the selections of “Una Voce per San Marino” with the single “Soltanto tu” in 2023 and he recently premiered “Voragine” on Rai 2 with Fiorello at “E viva il Videobox”.


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