Arisa: «I have received a thousand marriage proposals via social media. They said about me that I drank and that I was crazy: all lies.”

She got a gold tooth “because my alter ego is Guè”.
«I love having small hidden details on the face, which follow the passage of time. I also have a very small piercing inside my left ear.”

In the same Instagram post she says she dreams of wearing a wedding dress.
“It’s the only time you’re allowed to feel like a princess. I was confident that my wedding day would spark, but it didn’t arrive, I don’t know if it was luck or bad luck. I thought it was a priority, it’s not, for the first time in my life I don’t feel the need to be with someone.”

Kiss me stupid is Arisa’s new single (“Ba-ba-ba kiss me stupid/immediately/a kiss even if it were the last, swear it”) just released and already a hit. Like the video from Fiorello on Viva Rai 2, in which, due to the raft, he slips, falls but gets back up as if nothing had happened, a cult on the web.

An invitation?
“A way to get someone’s attention without letting them see that you’re too interested. The song tells of a perfect moment between two people. The kiss, which celebrates love in all its forms, without distinctions of gender.”

Who was the first for?
«For a schoolmate. In mold. I was 13 years old, I had been waiting for that moment for a long time. I felt clumsy, but she instead said to me: “Who taught you to kiss like that?”.

And the last one?
«I am outgoing, every day I greet the people who work with me and are family with a kiss and a hug».

What happened in between?
«The slaughterhouse, the apocalypse. I never imagined I would travel all this way, I started very early, work is my addiction. I like sharing beautiful things.”

And sentimentally?
«I live long periods without relationships. The first real boyfriend arrived at 24 years old, the author of Sincerity. I have never had a particular need for the presence of someone next to me, I am independent, I am fine alone.”

«And yet they tell me: “Rosalba, settle down, find a man with a position, stop being a top”. Every now and then even mother: “Look for someone who can look after you.” But I’m not waiting for someone who supports me or solves my problems, but who makes my free moments more fun and soothes the tense ones. But I always choose free spirits like me and it ends up that we don’t find each other.”

Is she in love now?

He has too much to do.
«I’m taken by this latest album, enthusiastic about my new team. We work tirelessly to create beauty. I like TV, but music is my focus, I need to sing.”

How did the wedding announcement on social media go?
«I received a thousand, even 1,500 proposals, I stopped counting them. But in reality I wasn’t looking for a husband, it was a way to denounce the cynicism of the relationships we live in, filtered by social media, it was ironic. I am not just Arisa, but a woman like the others, made of flesh, with the same hopes and feelings as everyone else.”

In exchange he offered “truth, body, soul, brain, loyalty and excellent cuisine”. Are you sure you’re interested in the brain?
«Resolved men want an intelligent woman next to them and I am one. I’m just sorry that, if I meet someone who attracts me and, I don’t know, is a begonia lover, I become a begonia for him. If he has a passion for snakes, I become a snake. I would do anything to be loved.”

«If they want me thin, I lose weight, if fat, I gain weight. I once broke up with a boy I was very much in love with. I did a lot of sport, I had an incredible physique. He returned. “I prefer you curvy”. And in a month I gained 13 kilos. I should experience love with caution, find someone who makes me feel good in my own skin.”

«If I’m with a man, I only have eyes for him. If he looks around or comments on other women, I suffer, I don’t understand it. The truth is that love is not something for everyone, it is not sharing the rent.”

Two years ago he announced: “I renounce love.”
«I don’t focus my life on this, I don’t get dressed in the morning thinking about meeting Prince Charming. And in the evening maybe I prefer to be with a friend or with my dogs.”

Sanremo won on the first try, among the New Proposals.
«A whirlwind of emotions, until a week before I was still a beautician. When they want to hurt me they remind me of this, as if a beautician had no brain.”

He didn’t want to go.
«I was hoping they would catch my boyfriend, who had written Sincerity. I loved him. We were poor but happy, we played the guitar in the evening, I feared losing our little family. He was happy for me, but he also wanted to reiterate that he was the artist. I had already noticed his weaknesses, I understood that it would end.”

Were the Bigs kind?
«All very nice. One day Samuele Bersani told me: “You are in tune inside and out”. I love singing, songs are keys that open even the most armored locks.”

He doesn’t go out much in the evening.
«They tell me: “You should go”, but then I make an excuse. I work a lot, I keep my free time to myself, I need to keep my feet on the ground. I opened a small second-hand shop in Milan, in Via di San Gregorio, there are also items of mine that perhaps cost a lot, but I chose a political price, I like that someone can feel like me.”

Do you go back to Pignola, in Basilicata, where you grew up?
“Certain. My parents still have the same house, in the countryside. In the evening dad tells me about the lambs, if they have drunk, about the chickens, if they have laid an egg. I love the simple life. And I need the hug that only a parent can give you. Everything remained as it was when I was six years old.”

And what was she like as a child?
«A great dreamer. I played alone, there were no other children. I talked to the trees, to the centipedes, to the bunnies.”

Did they make fun of you for having a childish voice when you grew up?
«Even today, some man told me that it is shrill and he can’t stand it. But he never touched me.”

Who is she grateful to?
«To life. To my. And to myself.”

In the controversy over gratitude between Mara Maionchi and Tiziano Ferro, who is she with?
«Mara is exquisite, but sometimes she has a little indelicate outings. There are things that, however true, are better left unsaid. She said that The night it was a song for depressed people, I resented it. Tiziano is going through a difficult time. It takes tact.”

Is he faithful?
«Yes, if I leave you it’s because you did something to me. I have often been disappointed. I’m rigid, but I know how to forgive.”

Even a betrayal?
“Yes. Man thinks differently, he can be attracted to things I can’t give him. I’m jealous, but I understand.”

The evil received.
«Many, but healthy. They make you understand what you shouldn’t do. Dad says that people who hurt you educate you, teach you how to live. They said I was drinking, that I was out of my mind, but here I am. I defended myself with facts. I stay on track, the more they talk badly about me, the more they motivate me.”

What don’t we know about her?
«You know what I have given you the opportunity to understand, but there is still so much to discover. I would like more attention for the songs I have written, life stories.”

Do you still think about your exes?
«Yes and every now and then we even shed a tear. Because if I’m there I’m really in love. Three years ago I had a boyfriend, I cared about him a lot, I no longer did anything to be with him. not even interviews.”

When you’re done with someone, are you done for good?
«Yes, but I think about it. I don’t call, I don’t write, but I check what they’re doing on social media and if they’re okay. With one in particular.”

Is happy?
«Yes, in the evening I go to bed and say thank you, happy with myself».

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