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“Centre-right gives priority to the seats rather than the Multiservices”

“Centre-right gives priority to the seats rather than the Multiservices”
“Centre-right gives priority to the seats rather than the Multiservices”

We receive and publish a joint statement from the opposition groups (Democratic Party, Green Alliance/Left-Brindisi Common Good, Commitment for Brindisi, Active Brindisi, 5 Star Movement, Salento Region Movement, Citizen Equality, Mixed Group)

The serious political-administrative crisis in the majority of the Municipality of Brindisi, which began irresponsibly in recent weeks and which is slow to be resolved, has irremediably compromised every possible attempt to identify concrete and definitive solutions to venture a serious prospect for the Brindisi Multiservizi.

The delays accumulated starting from the shareholders’ meeting at the end of July 2023 and the lack of courage highlighted by the non-decisions, have worsened the economic-financial picture of the subsidiary. It is useful to remember how Mayor Marchionna, during the December city council meeting on the 2024 budget, had reassured all the councilors that within the first days of the following January 2024 he would bring the BMS industrial plan into discussion. Since that promise, 7 months and 4 industrial plan proposals have passed without seeing even a minimal solution.

We cannot ignore the superficiality and administrative recklessness with which a particularly thorny dossier such as the rescue of the municipal subsidiary which accumulated a deficit of around 3 million euros was handled.

The time factor is crucial, since, after halfway through 2024, none of the measures envisaged in the draft industrial plan, which is still in the interlocutory phase, have been activated. We have no news of parking passes for residents of the center, the procedures for the public/private partnership for energy efficiency of municipal buildings or for parking detection systems have not been activated, just to give a few examples. And the new parking lot near the airport, presented with great fanfare as a solution, risks becoming a burden as it is not yet usable and lacks the necessary expropriation procedures as well as definitive asphalting.

In short, even the contributions for the improvement of the industrial plan that, with responsibility, the minorities have delivered to the municipal administration have been nullified and neutralized by imprudence, approximation and administrative dilettantism.

The financial criticalities of BMS should have represented the priority of the priorities of the centre-right municipal administration which instead preferred to fight for seats and for the council, opening a crisis in the dark and risking definitively compromising the fate of 150 employees and their families.
Our patience is over, the centre-right parties and administrators should assume their political and administrative responsibilities once and for all if they are capable of it.

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