we will not let Lingotto die. Turin – Italy News Media

we will not let Lingotto die. Turin – Italy News Media
we will not let Lingotto die. Turin – Italy News Media

Piazza Bengasi returns to the streets against degradation. Rossino: we will not let Lingotto die.

Turin, July 1 – The residents of Piazza Bengasi and its surroundings, led by Matteo Rossino of the Committees for Turin, have decided to return to demonstrate against the spread of drug dealing and crime problems in the area. The demonstration with signature collection will be held on Thursday, July 4 at 9:00 p.m. in Via Nizza on the corner of Corso Maroncelli.

“I grew up in this area, as a child I used to come with my grandfather to do the shopping at the market in Piazza Bengasi and I remember very well how it once was – stated Matteo Rossino -. Unfortunately, uncontrolled immigration and the resulting business are creating ghettos in which drug dealing and crime are the order of the day, as in the Lingotto area.”

“With Thursday’s demonstration we resume a battle that began two years ago and which had given its first results – concluded Rossino -, but it is not enough, we must persevere and not leave even a corner of the pavement abandoned to decay. Anyone who truly loves Turin cannot remain indifferent to all this.”

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