heavy storms coming, “be careful between the Prealps and the central-eastern plains”

heavy storms coming, “be careful between the Prealps and the central-eastern plains”
heavy storms coming, “be careful between the Prealps and the central-eastern plains”

The Risk Monitoring Functional Center of the Lombardy region issued today, 1 July 2024a new yellow code weather alert for thunderstorms. For the remainder of today, July 1st, “Showers and thunderstorms are expected. The most acute phase of the disturbed passage is expected to coincide with afternoon and the prime timePrecipitation is expected to move from the Northwest to the Southeast and is expected to subside within the first few hours of Tuesday 02/07. It should be noted that discontinuous phenomena are expected in the western sectors and in Valcamonica, locally even of moderate intensity, with cumulative precipitation peaks of up to 30-50 mm, while In the Prealps and central-eastern plains, storm phenomena could assume a more organised and structured naturepotentially also forming storm lines with peak cumulatives that could reach 50-80 mm and probable hail. Reinforced ventilation is expected on the plain and in the central-eastern Prealps, with values ​​of up to 50-60 km/h between afternoon and evening, with further temporary intensification during thunderstorms“.

For the day of Tomorrow, 2nd of JulyUnstable conditions are expected, which may become more pronounced from the afternoon on in the pre-Alpine area, where the activation of scattered showers and thunderstorms of mainly weak intensity cannot be ruled out. It will be possible for precipitation to decrease in the evening, with possible intensification, towards the high plain areas“.

Weather alert in Lombardy, the criticality map

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