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2024 territorial tenders from the Bergamo Community Foundation

Bergamo. The Foundation of the Bergamo Community has communicated the results of the 2024 territorial calls relating to the areas of Social and of Culturefor a total financing of 1 million and 50 thousand euros. I am 113 the selected projects, of which 50 in the Social (for a total funding of 600 thousand euros) e 63 in the Culture (450 thousand euros).

From poverty and severe marginalization to school dropout, bullying and marginalization among pre-adolescents and adolescents to the promotion of a ‘widespread’, networked and sustainable culture and the protection of the local historical-artistic heritage, the Foundation confirms its first commitment to support initiatives capable of best responding to the needs of the territory.

The beneficiaries of the resources are third sector entities, non-profit organizations and parishes of the province of Bergamo: the projects were selected also taking into account a territorial criterion with the aim of supporting actions and initiatives distributed throughout the province.

The Foundation has also approved the passage to the second phase of 8 projects of the call Environment and 4 projects from the call Mental health, to which the ‘two-phase’ delivery method is applied for the first time. This is a structured mechanism that intends to encourage Third Sector entities to network in the area, discuss and then, together and with the institutional coordination of the Foundation, promote more effective initiatives for the community and thus attract new donors to support future calls and funds.

In phase 1, the ideas submitted by the proponents are brought into a space for discussion stimulated by the Foundation. With the projects enriched by this discussion, the Third Sector entities present a definitive proposal that is further evaluated. With the presentation of an executive project – and the final evaluation by the Foundation – the call for proposals is concluded.

The allocations provided for by the two calls amount respectively to 130 thousand euros it’s at 200 thousand eurosbut the results of the tenders and the related definitive allocations will be communicated at the end of September (the deadline for the presentation of the executive projects is September 5th).

The financing of the tenders is guaranteed by territorial funds Cariplo for 1 million and 290 thousand euros, to which is added the co-financing of Sacbothe company that manages the Bergamo airport (50 thousand euros on the Environment tender), of Board of Auditors Fund (10 thousand euros on the Mental Health tender), by FACES – Azzanelli Cedrelli Celati Foundation and for the Health of Children and FIEB – Educational Institutes Foundation (30 thousand euros on the pre-adolescent and adolescent tender).

Compared to 2023, the 2024 Plan diversifies the project incentive mechanism: with the exception of the Environment and Mental Health tenders for all others, the Foundation’s funding is reserved for projects that are able to raise a donation equal to 10% of the approved contribution. This year too, the deadline for collecting donations is the end of October.

Bergamo Community Foundation re-proposes the call Promotion of Readingwhich aims to support the importance of reading in the formation of a collective culture and conscience, starting from libraries considered as places of aggregation and participation. The overall allocation, whose approval is expected by the end of September following the outcome of the call for proposals, is 100 thousand eurosincreasing by 10 thousand euros compared to 2023, which includes the co-financing of the Bergamo Library Network you seem to 50 thousand euros. The allocations are expected in September.

“This year, the territorial sharing of projects is central. We are increasingly convinced that to ‘do good well’ everyone, even the beneficiaries, must take part in the definition of proposals for the construction of collective projects – he comments Osvaldo RanicaPresident of the Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca -. Communities must increasingly become laboratories in which to experiment and experiment with citizens. The two-phase delivery strategy has allowed us to open a direct dialogue with the entities that deal with the issues at stake from time to time, to better understand their work, to share needs and actions, redefining priority objectives together. In environmental matters, this perspective has translated into measuring the impact generated by the proposed projects and in the valorization of projects focused on active change and the achievement of quantifiable objectives. A choice that could lead to a possible expansion of the partnership, which will be able to make more and more resources available to the territory dedicated to environmental issues and ecological transition”.

Social announcement

Of the 51 projects submitted, against a total request of over 716 thousand euros, 36 were funded, for a total of 350 thousand euros of Cariplo Territorial Funds. The Call finances educational, social and welfare projects to support segments of the population that are in a particularly fragile condition. The selection criteria include the experimentation of innovative initiatives, the valorization of small associations and the presence of territorial networks.

Serious marginalisation announcement

All 4 projects received, out of a total of 237 thousand euros requested, were selected and supported thanks to the allocation of 160 thousand euros from Cariplo Territorial Funds. The call is dedicated to projects that include actions to combat the phenomena of poverty and serious social marginalization. At the time of selection, experimental and innovative initiatives were awarded that responded to the housing emergency, the need for job placement and re-socializing activities for people in conditions of serious marginalization and/or homelessness.

Call for pre-teens and teenagers

10 projects were selected out of 16 received, with a total allocation of 90 thousand euros (of which 60 thousand euros from Cariplo Territorial Funds and 30 thousand euros of co-financing by FACES – Fondazione Azzanelli Cedrelli Celati e per la Salute dei Fanciulli and FIEB – Fondazione Istituti Educativi Bergamo), against a total request of 198 thousand euros. With this call, Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca expresses a growing attention to young people and families. The call promotes initiatives aimed at the well-being of adolescents, pre-adolescents and families in difficult and fragile situations, with activities aimed at improving their lifestyles and
increase awareness of their behaviors, preventing in particular the risk of dropping out of school and forms of bullying or marginalization.

Call for proposals for the protection and promotion of historical and artistic heritage

The tender is in support of the protection, promotion and valorisation of assets of historical and artistic interest, as identified by the Urbani Code, better known as the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code (Legislative Decree no. 42 of 01.22.04), with priority given to the restoration of assets in a state of decay. Of the 25 projects presented, with a request of 392 thousand euros, 17 were financed for a total of 200 thousand euros from Cariplo Territorial Funds. In particular, projects have been selected aimed at valorising assets in precarious conditions (renovation of roofs and load-bearing structures) and assets of particular value, suitable for hosting events or initiatives involving citizens.

culture side

The call finances cultural activities of collective interest of supra-municipal and local relevance, with particular attention to projects capable of having a positive impact on social and environmental sustainability. Of the 85 projects received, with a request of 786 thousand euros, 46 were accepted, for a total financing of 250 thousand euros of Cariplo Territorial Funds. To the initial expected budget, equal to 200 thousand euros, 50 thousand euros of unused Territorial Funds from previous years were added. In particular, projects that favored the involvement of the territory, partnership with other entities and attention to new realities were selected.

Mental health announcement

Of the 6 projects presented, 4 progressed to the second phase. The two-phase procedure characterizes this tender in terms of innovation and project diversification, also thanks to the comparison with the main players in the tender area, in particular, the Board of Mayors, ATS and the territorial areas. Also thanks to the co-financing of the Board of Mayors Fund (10 thousand euros), the call supports projects that implement preventive and promotional processes in the area of ​​mental health distress and fragility. Projects have been selected with particular attention to the problems of the youth group, which provide for an intervention throughout the provincial territory and which enhance the network of relationships with the areas and the relevant social and health services.

Ambient side

Of the 12 projects presented, 8 have passed to the second phase, for a total allocation of 130 thousand euros, of which 80 thousand euros from Territorial Funds of Fondazione Cariplo for the Province of Bergamo and 50 thousand euros made available by SACBO SpA, which this year participates as a co-financier for the first time. The educational value of the proposal presented, the improvement of accessibility and usability also for those with disabilities, the active involvement of citizens and the attention to sustainable development and biodiversity are the criteria that have been privileged in the selection of the projects.

Making a donation for pre-selected projects is possible through various tools: bank transfer, postal order or online donation. The pre-selected organizations will be able to share with potential donors the direct link to their project on the Foundation website, through which it will be possible to make the donation online.

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