“It will make the Italian race disappear”

“It will make the Italian race disappear”
“It will make the Italian race disappear”

Guido Bertolasoregional councillor for Welfare of Lombardy, spoke at the event “Child nutrition and social dimension: the politics of doing” of demographic winter e denatality Commenting on the data he said that there is a risk of the disappearance of Italian race.

Guido Bertolaso’s quote on demographic winter

Guido Bertolaso he has no doubts that thedemographic winter is a concrete risk for the disappearance of the “Italic race”. The regional welfare councilor of the Lombardy region, during the institutional workshop “Child nutrition and social dimension: the politics of doing” spoke about the decrease in births.

Regarding the denatality he said: “The demographic winter is dramatic and does not help us, indeed it risks making the Italian race. That’s what our experts tell us. And the denatality it is the first problem that must be faced in Italy”.

Photo source: ANSA

Guido Bertolaso, shocking phrase on demographic winter: “Disappearance of the Italic race”

How to face the demographic winter? For Bertolaso ​​it is the bad habits the real problem and therefore calls for lifestyles “more consistent with scientific knowledge and new discoveries”.

The “Italic race”

What is disturbing about Guido Bertolaso’s intervention is not so much the allusion to having to have children to reverse the rate of the birth rate, but rather the concept of Italian race. From a scientific point of view, this does not exist. There are several genetic studies that demonstrate that the differences between individuals of different populations are minimal and hence the definition of a single race, yes, but human.

Secondly, the concept of “Italic race” was used during the fascist period in Italy. It was Benito Mussolini and the Regime to promote the idea of ​​a Italian race to support policies of nationalism and racial superiority. The group leader himself recalled this Democratic party for Francesco Majorino, citing the racial manifesto of fascist Italy of the 30s.

The most correct term could therefore be Italian identityor the result of the history of the country Italy inhabited by a multitude of different cultures and populations. To name a few, Italy has been inhabited by Etruscans, Greeks, Romans, Lombards, Normans and many others.

Fontana’s comment on the birth rate decline

The President of the Region also spoke during the institutional workshop, Attilio Fontana. This highlighted how we need to create conditions for work and family to coexist.

The focus is on young people, to whom he addresses: “We must create the conditions to give back a little of eenthusiasm for young people and give back the instinct and pleasure of creating a family and one’s own continuation of life. These are two absolutely essential facts. We must do our part”.

Photo source: ANSA

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