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Istituto Romani, success for the first two apprenticeship courses

Success for the first two apprenticeship courses launched at the Romani Institute for two fourth-year students of the professional course. In the dialogue that the school constantly maintains with companies and artisanal activities, a problem that is becoming increasingly serious throughout the country has clearly emerged in our territory: the difficulty of finding qualified, motivated personnel capable of offering continuity.

The Romani Institute constantly promotes the insertion of young people into the world of work, facilitating contact between supply and demand. Thanks to the calls promoted by the Lombardy Region, it was possible to start a first-level apprenticeship program for two students of the institute, with the dual purpose of obtaining the qualification and anticipating their entry into the world of work. Following a pre-established schedule, the apprentices attended school for a few days of the week and worked in the company for the rest of the time, receiving a small salary and acquiring the technical-professional skills related to the course of study in the field.

The two courses, launched in September and December respectively, were offered to two students from class 4A Industrial Automation Technician – Bassi Michele and Shuli Mateo – at two companies in Piadena and Viadana, which deal with civil and industrial electrical systems. Both were looking for staff and knew the student because they had already hosted him last school year on the occasion of the PCTO. At the end of the apprenticeship, the two students successfully passed the exam, graduating as Industrial Automation Technician, and now continue to work at the company.

The success of the project was possible thanks to the commitment of the apprentices, who were able to combine study and work with seriousness, to the school staff, in particular the contact professor Martina Abelli, who organized the course and to the host companies, who they believed in the new insertion method and trained the students.

The school director Daniela Romoli, convinced of the validity of the dual path, intends to continue in this direction and propose the experience again next year, involving more students and more and more local companies who, if interested, will be able to contact the institute.

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