Messaggero Veneto: the couples game

Messaggero Veneto: the couples game
Messaggero Veneto: the couples game


Udinese’s attack is also preparing for a new look: Damian Pizarro and Iker Bravo are arriving. The latter is the protagonist of a negotiation currently being finalized in which, writes Il Messaggero Veneto, the details of the deal are being evaluated “including that buy-back clause from the Germans which Udinese doesn’t seem to like very much, whereas a percentage on the future sale, a sort of current trend in Italian football, given that mushrooms appear after a downpour when it comes to proceeding with a subsequent transfer”.
The new entries imply reasoning about the other pair of attackers, the one made up of Lucca and Davis. The first was redeemed by Pisa for a total investment of 10 million euros: Udinese are unlikely to deprive themselves of him for the 12 that Fiorentina could offer. For Davis, however, there could be a return to his homeland: according to Pietro Oleotto, in fact, “he could also go to Watford, where he played on loan from Aston Villa two seasons ago. And precisely the reference to Watford, whose market is coordinated by the “supervisor” Gianluca Nani, brings to mind the return to the Friulian base of Matheus Martins, an outfield striker who will be evaluated by coach Kosta Runjaic during preparation. The German coach, then, will also find himself in his hands the disappointing Brenner, weakened by injuries and saudade during the last season, and that crystal Isaac Success, in short, another couple to be weighed with great attention before facing the expense for a second striker.”

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