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Sunia Cgil Arezzo: Social housing, news of announced disasters

Sunia Cgil Arezzo: Social housing, news of announced disasters
Sunia Cgil Arezzo: Social housing, news of announced disasters

“I hope that no one is surprised by what happened in Marciano – says Stefania Teoni, Secretary of Sunia CGIL. Our complaint is unfortunately old and, worse still, unheeded: without substantial and rapid interventions, the end of public housing is a matter of a few years. What happened in the Marciano complex confirms this prediction and follows the recent protests of other complexes which claim adequate management of extraordinary maintenance”.

Sunia therefore reiterates the need for adequate and certain financing that guarantees a five-year plan. “Several times – recalls Teoni – we have urged the institutions to take charge of the problem. We thought that when faced with issues of this type it was possible to join forces to make demands. If necessary, requesting a meeting in the Prefecture to highlight the needs. As a union we presented 45,000 thousand signatures to the Senate in support of a minimum request to give dignity to the inhabitants of public housing. But we believe that asking to keep public housing alive has no political color and that the Municipalities, all of them, have a duty to push in this direction. If all parties agree, why not think about finding a common path to claim?” According to Sunia, a key issue is the relationship between public administrations, in the absence of which any investments would also be wasted. “The regional law seems to place a clear barrier between Municipalities and the managing body. For over 5 years, it seems that a revisitation has been underway. We hope that these are substantial changes that overcome what we consider to be the main issue, and therefore arrive at an organization that fully holds all institutional actors accountable. The Region, which does not own the properties, indicates the priorities and management rules; then he forgets to do, in 5 years, the obligations promised within 6 months. The individual municipalities, which are the owners of the properties, manage the tenders and the assignment of the accommodation, then they finish and pass the management on to a joint-stock company set up by the municipalities. An agreement, the service contract, has been stipulated between LODE (the body representing the municipalities) and the company, thanks to which, upon payment of a concession fee (which is however excluded by regional law), the management of a degraded heritage is unloaded. It does not even appear that the municipalities exercise the right/duty provided for by regional law: that of control and verification of the level of user satisfaction”.

Do you believe – Sunia asks – that the managing body can manage ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and satisfy the requests of 3,121 homes in terrible condition spread across all the municipalities of the province? All the actors are aware that this is not possible. An active presence of the municipalities, even if only technical and control, in the phases of carrying out maintenance works would favor correct management of the works themselves; These are issues that assignees often complain about.

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