Flurry of suspensions of activities for travel agencies in the Arezzo area

Flurry of suspensions of activities for travel agencies in the Arezzo area
Flurry of suspensions of activities for travel agencies in the Arezzo area

Summer time, vacation time. And therefore a lot of work for the travel agencies in the Arezzo area. But in recent days at least ten of them, scattered around the province, have been hit by aorder to suspend the activity (up to one month) because it is not in compliance with a regional law to protect the consumer. A blow for those who, especially in these weeks of June, are operating at full capacity in view of the 2024 summer holidays. The good news, for the activities, is that the owners who suddenly manage to settle down, satisfying the legal requirements, see the suspension immediately revoked.

Who issues the ordinances

Although travel agencies from all over the province of Arezzo are involved, the municipality of Arezzo issued the order suspending the activity. Because it is up to the capital municipality of the province to enforce the provisions contained in the Consolidated text of the regional tourism system. In particular, as stated in paragraph 3 of article 91, “by 31 December of each year, travel agencies shall submit to the provincial capital municipality or the metropolitan city a communication that they have fulfilled the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2”.

What were the violations?

Travel agencies are thus monitored by the Municipality and those that do not comply with what is reported in the same article 91 of the Consolidated Law in paragraphs 1 and 2 are sanctioned. The first requirement is that the agency operator has the insurance coverage for civil liability in favor of the traveler for compensation for damages arising from the violation of the obligations assumed with the contract. The second instead provides that the agency has insurance policies o Bank guarantees which, in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the organizer or seller, guarantee the reimbursement of the price paid for the purchase of the package and the immediate return of the traveler in the event that the package includes the transport of the traveler. And, if necessary, the payment of food and accommodation before the return. These conditions are set out in Article 47 of the tourism code.

Ordinances and revocations

As mentioned, there are numerous suspensions ordered by the Arezzo municipality for travel agencies in the province, but there are also rapid revocations for those who manage to quickly comply, demonstrating to the administration that they have both insurance coverage and economic guarantees to protect travelers who should they encounter some misfortune. There are also cases of agencies that, demonstrating good will in complying but failing to do so within the established maximum time (one month), see the deadlines extended by another month. Upon expiry of any further period granted, however, if the irregular situation persists, the Closing of business.

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