82% CO2 from metropolises, 42% from buildings – Italia News Media

82% CO2 from metropolises, 42% from buildings – Italia News Media
82% CO2 from metropolises, 42% from buildings – Italia News Media


In Italy, over 6 out of 10 buildings are obsolete, with a building stock composed of 92% residential buildings and the remaining 8% buildings intended for other uses.

They represent 2% of the Earth’s surface and yet they contribute exponentially to the climate crisis: the ones that pollute the most are cities, especially Chinese megalopolises but also European metropolises. This is highlighted by an elaboration by Multicompel Technology (www.multicompel.it), a company operating throughout Italy in the field of electrical systems and the installation of photovoltaic systems, based on the data of the research “Keeping Track of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Progress and Targets in 167 Cities Worldwide” conducted by researchers from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Sun Yat-sen University in China.

In the study —conducted by Ting Wei, Junliang Wu and Shaoqing Chen— at the top of the world ranking are Handan with 199 million tons of CO2 equivalent released into the atmosphere every year, Shanghai (188 Mt CO2 equivalent) and Suzhou (152 Mt CO2 equivalent).

The top 25 cities, the vast majority of which are Chinese but also include Istanbul, Tokyo and New York, produce 55% of global pollution.

In the European continent, on the podium we find Moscow (fifth in the world ranking) with 136 million tons of CO2, followed in second place by Istanbul (tenth in the world ranking) with 84 million tons of CO2 and by St. Petersburg with 51 million tons of CO2. Then again, at a European level, we find Frankfurt (45 Mt CO2 eq) Athens (41 Mt CO2 eq), Berlin (27 Mt CO2 eq) and Turin (22 Mt CO2 eq) which is positioned in fifty-second place in the world ranking according to what Multicompel Technology calculated for 2024, based on data from the Chinese university.

The European ranking continues with Hamburg (19 Mt Co2) Rotterdam (17 Mt Co2), Warsaw (15 Mt Co2), Lyon (11 Mt Co2 eq.) and then in twelfth place Bologna (7 Mt Co2). Then again Paris (6.8 Mt Co2), Helsinki (6.5 Mt Co2), Amsterdam (6 Mt Co2), Ljubljana (5.8 Mt Co2), Oslo (4.5 Mt Co2), Lisbon (4 Mt Co2), Copenhagen (3.4 Mt Co2), Stockholm (3 Mt Co2), Vilnius (2.7 Mt Co2) and Piacenza (1.5 Mt Co2).

More specifically, in Italy, over 6 out of 10 properties are obsolete, with a building stock composed of 92% residential buildings and the remaining 8% buildings intended for other uses. In short, most properties are old and highly polluting.

Globally, cities produce 82% of CO2 and 42% of emissions are produced by buildings. “In a context, the metropolitan one, where according to Eurostat data 75% of the European population lives today and where according to a United Nations projection by 2050 68% of the world’s population will live, our goal, thanks to photovoltaics, is to achieve more resilient cities and complete energy independence” explains Edi Lala, founder and CEO of Multicompel Technology.

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