the comparison between the Mayor of Rimini and the Coordination of Committees

the comparison between the Mayor of Rimini and the Coordination of Committees
the comparison between the Mayor of Rimini and the Coordination of Committees

On 26 June at Palazzo Garampi, the Mayor of Rimini Jamil Sadegholvaad met the Coordination of Committees, which represents nine local committees including the Residents Committee Rione Clodio, Viserbapuntoeacapo and others. Also present were Councilors Mattia Morolli and Juri Magrini. The meeting immediately highlighted deep tensions over the management of the city, with a clear divergence of visions on civic participation and administrative methods.

The Coordination, created to bring the administration and citizens closer together, asked for more direct participation in administrative decisions, proposing the reintroduction of the Neighborhoods as meeting places and a contact person in the Council dedicated to coordination with the Committees. They also suggested periodic meetings with the Mayor and the Council to discuss specific issues.

The Mayor’s responses – the committees explain in the press release – were often expressed in irritable tones and according to the committee showed a significant difference of views. Sadegholvaad refused the reintegration of the Neighborhoods, proposing instead “urban forums” managed by external facilitators. He also stated that he personally knows the problems of the neighborhoods better than the Coordination and the individual Committees.

On the problem of the traffic in the historic center – the note continues – the Mayor admitted that he has no solutions, complaining about the lack of support from the Order of Engineers. As for the greenery of Rivabella, he emphasized the work done on the sewer system, but did not adequately respond to the needs for integration between green areas and infrastructure.

The Mayor did not provide concrete answers to other issues raised, such as the fires in houses in Padulli – Covignano, the road system, inadequate cycle paths and parks without trees. On the project for the bridge/tunnel alternative to the Tiberio bridge, he declared that it will not be built, leaving Rimini’s road system in a critical situation.

Regarding State Variant 16, the Mayor reiterated that the final decision is up to the government, not considering the changes proposed by the administration to be sufficient to reduce the environmental impact.

The Coordination of Committees concludes with a deep disappointment for the Administration’s refusal to consider their requests and for the lack of recognition of their representativeness. Despite the difficulties, the Coordination will continue to support citizens, proposing concrete solutions to improve communication and strengthen democratic participation in Rimini.

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