Melonian Youth, No Position Taken from Ferrara

Melonian Youth, No Position Taken from Ferrara
Melonian Youth, No Position Taken from Ferrara

There is currently no clear position nor the willingness to make statements from Ferrara National Youth on what emerged with “Melonian Youth“, the investigation by carried out – undercover – inside the Pinciano National Youth club, one of the largest in Rome, among the young militants of the Brothers of Italy.

Alexander Travagliprovincial president of the movement youth Of Brothers dItaliacontacted by telephone in recent days the editorial staff of dropped the matter, saying that if in the following days he had something to say he would let us know. Contacted again yesterday, this time via message, the president maintained his position.

What was Travagli asked to comment on? On what emerged from the journalist investigation, which shows Roman salutes, hymns to the Duce et al Nazismapology of the black terrorism of the Nar and exaltation of the racism. This and other emerges from the images taken during the meetings and concerts of far-right identity rock bands, by the hidden cameras of the Backstair journalist, infiltrated into the environments in which the future political class of the party of Giorgia Meloni.

We can see the deputies Marco Perissa and Paolo Trancassini, as well as the MEP Nicola Procaccini, huddling together gladiatorial greetingWhile Arianna Melonithe prime minister’s sister and head of the party’s political secretariat, praises the work of the circle.

In the shots, a prominent role covers it Flaminia Peacepresident of Pinciano National Youth that, after the investigation, she resigned. She is framed while she is shaking a fundraising jar: “From next year we will have another type of income that will come to us from the civil service, the money comes from the state. To every boy to do this volunteering they are given 500 euros per month. What do we have to do to do civil service? Nothing. Because some 500 euros a good offer is appreciated…”.

Without knowing she was being filmed, in addition to telling of her father’s acquaintances with Giusva Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro, convicted for the Bologna massacre, Pace he also insults Ester Mielisenator of the Brothers of Italy and current vice-president of the Segre commission for combating the phenomena of intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence: “The best thing – says Pace – was yesterday taking the piss for the swastikas and then I had made the press release of solidarity with Ester Mieli…”.

Together with her, in the last few hours, Elisa Segnini Bocchia also resignedhead of the secretariat of the appointed by Ylenia Lucaselligroup leader of Giorgia Meloni’s party in the Budget Committee of the Chamber: “I never stopped being racist and fascist, I always hate black people and communists“, says Segnini while he is unaware that someone is secretly filming heradding: “I’m going to Budapest to party and I tell Orban that Ilaria Salis must rot in jail with mice and rats eating her feet“.

After the first episode of the service the president of National Youth, Fabio Roscani, elected deputy in a very armored position, had downplayed everything by saying that “Within National Youth, as well as in Fratelli d’Italia, there is no room for racists, anti-Semites, violent people and those nostalgic for totalitarian regimes. Ours is a healthy reality that has nothing to do with the one depicted in a report lasting a few minutes, packaged with the sole purpose of tarnishing us.”

Roscani had been recently (end of May) also in Ferrara for the Fdi electoral campaign. Previously he had been seen in the city in November 2023 to participate in the “Feis camp”, a party of Gn di Ferrara. In August 2021 he was a guest at the “Festa dei patrioti”, a provincial event of his party.

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