Land Care. 300,000 Euros from the Region in Ferrara

Land Care. 300,000 Euros from the Region in Ferrara
Land Care. 300,000 Euros from the Region in Ferrara

An intervention plan amounting to over 3.8 million euros for the care of the territory, in Ferrara almost 300 thousand. The Economic Policies commission chaired by Manuela Rontini has given a favorable opinion on the three-year program of reclamation and irrigation interventions on state property 2024-2026. The program allocates a total of 3,803,750 euros for the eight Land Reclamation Consortia in the region: 1,025,000 for 2024, 1,425,000 for 2025 and 1,353,750 for 2026. The favorable vote took place after the presentation to the commission by part of the council (Territorial Defense Service).

The program had already been partially approved in the years 2024-2025. The council illustrated the plan for 2026: there will be funding for 812 thousand euros of interventions distributed to the consortia for the maintenance of existing plants and over 541 thousand euros of funding for the maintenance of public reclamation works in mountain areas (also for reclamation roads, especially in the provinces of Parma and Piacenza). The total funding is one million and 353 thousand euros in addition to the 2024 and 2025 funds.

In detail, in the three-year period, the total 3.8 million are distributed on a provincial basis as follows: in Piacenza over 600,000 euros, in Parma around 570,000, in Reggio Emilia almost 450,000, in Modena over 390,000, in Bologna 651,834, in Ferrara almost 300,000, in Ravenna around 350,000, in Forlì-Cesena over 210,000, and in Rimini almost 160,000 euros.

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