the “nuclei” of a perfect gang trained outside Sardinia La Nuova Sardegna

the “nuclei” of a perfect gang trained outside Sardinia La Nuova Sardegna
the “nuclei” of a perfect gang trained outside Sardinia La Nuova Sardegna

Sassari There is not just one boss but several leaders. Professionals capable of giving precise instructions and personally following the money withdrawal operations regardless of the fact that a few meters away there is wild shooting. And not one or two shots but many, more than 200. A demonstration of trust in the other members of the commando, each with his own task. Yes, because this ferocious gang has planned everything, has made sure to have within the organization elements trained to shoot to kill. It is a belief that has been circulating for some time and that would seem to confirm the existence of a structure made up of people who may have been “trained” in training centers not too far from Sardinia. In Corsica for example, the area from which – the suspicion is recurrent – a good part of the war weapons used could also come, such as Kalashnikovs and related ammunition. So many pieces, such an equipment as to push the gang to spare no shots. And then bulletproof vests, other military equipment. Encrypted communication systems, difficult to intercept.

The Attorney General Luigi Patronage yesterday he called them “ferocious” because they shot at eye level. To kill. Éð it’s something you don’t do by chance, it takes preparation, a long period of training. Why you don’t use AK-47s perfectly the first time you pick them up.

The band seems to have a stable structure, capable of updating itself over the years and correcting errors. This was the case with the attack on Mondialpol on Friday evening. More or less the same time as the other two times (8pm), except that at the end of June it is still daytime. The choice of means is decisive, especially the bulldozer equipped with an extendable arm and capable of reaching the inside of the “counting room” while remaining alongside the surrounding wall with the vehicle. Which cannot be knocked down because – the bandits know this, it is clear – after the previous two assaults it was armed and reinforced so opening an opening would have been a long operation and probably not feasible.

Corrections during construction, therefore, such as the formation of groups with specific tasks: the good excavator (also subjected to long training?) who acts with an almost surgical action, breaks through the wall of the counting room and then collects one by one the big bags full of money and takes them outside the structure. Another correction: Gone are the inadequate feed bags and also the duffel bags. The gang went for the safest “new bags” for industrial use, which can be handled without risk of breakage and then guarantee a greater capacity. Looking at the videos, the bandits take away about ten full of banknotes. Those who shoot and cover the group in charge of withdrawing the money: they explode a number of shots as if they were at war. They shot at the windscreen of the Carabinieri Gazelle, hit the rear door of a traffic police car and – according to yesterday’s rumors – also the wheel of a local police patrol car. Miraculously, there are no deaths or injuries. Nails on the road surface, cars set on fire to generate chaos and disorientate, or to terrorize. And while the nuclei fire a barrage, the others with great sangfroid continue to load the money, not at all worried.

There are many, about twenty. Each with his own task, no one improvises. They don’t run away, they don’t leave their positions until the order arrives. Only then does the other part of the plan come into play. Where are they going, where are they hiding? It is unthinkable that they would immediately return to their territories of origin, it would be all too easy to catch them and wait for them. There is certainly an intermediate passage, a place that welcomes them, with adequate spaces to hide the vehicles, to host without attracting attention. And every action has a preparation phase, planning lasting several months as well as training of the bandits. It is the new front, the one after the kidnappings, the drug trafficking now undermined by international criminal organizations. Thus we move towards the assault on valuables and the vaults of security companies. Lots of money right away, thanks also to the right information that is never found by chance.

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