Cpga L’Aquila, young roller skating champions grow up

Last episode of #nonsocalcio of this third season dedicated to the athletes of the Cpga L’Aquila: dozens of athletes grow, among the champions, on the Santa Barbara track.

If there is a sport in which L’Aquila, in the past, has been able to have its say out loud, this is the skating. From the President Fisr – Italian Roller Sports Federation – L’Aquila Sabatino Aracuto Alessandra Susmeli, world champion and world record holder: the L’Aquila skating school has produced many champions and raised generations of kids on roller skates.

Then there was the earthquake of 2009, with the unusability of the ice rink in Ovid Avenue (for which the times for returning to the city seem to be approaching); and again, Covid. “It took time to get back on our feet. We had so many happy moments, just a few years ago: thanks also to champions of the caliber of Alessandra Susmeli, Michela Mannucci, Gregorio Duggentowe have reached 12 world titles, 3 world records, many European championships” recalls Mario Miconi, president of the CPGA. “These times are far away but we are working well and you can see the fruits of our work and our effort. We have no alternative: either the track or the road, and we cannot take small children on the road. So, when it is not possible to train in L’Aquila, we train in Pescara or on the road circuit of Porto d’Ascoli”.

Il Cpga L’Aquila takes care of three skating disciplines: school, figure skating and speed skating. “We have students from four years old and up: in the school there are about 20 students, as many in the figure skating. The competitive speed skating can count on 16 – 18 athletes. There are 15 in the competitive figure skating”

cpga skating l'aquila

One of the sectors of the Cpga L’Aquila regarding skating is the artistic. Maria Grazia Ordinelli, originally from Giulianova but moved to L’Aquila for university, is their instructor. “I’ve been skating since I was 5 years old. Over time, I became more and more passionate about it and experimented with different specialties: among these, singles and performing groups, which is the specialty that we have tried to highlight in our society, especially this year. We are a great little family, with everyone supporting each other. The most beautiful emotion? Last Sunday’s essay. We had a huge turnout of the public and all the work of a year was sealed, like a cherry on the cake, by the final performance”.

cpga skating l'aquila

Alessandra Susmeli, a strong name in world skating and proudly from L’Aquila, she trains the athletes: boys 12, boys, students, juniors and seniors. “We are growing quite a bit: the team is growing, the training sessions are intense. It will take time to return to higher levels, but we achieve a lot of placings at national level.” In March the L’Aquila champion and CPGA instructor L’Aquila was also called up to the national team: “For me it is a great honor to be part of the national team, first as an athlete and now as a coach. I am proud to be on the staff.” And to the parents of children who want to start this discipline, she says: “Skating teaches you how to live. It teaches you lifestyle, it shapes your character, it helps you face difficulties. By overcoming obstacles on skates, you also overcome them in life.

Carla DiStefano, from Avezzano, also in L’Aquila for study reasons, is a 2nd level coach for children aged 4 to 12. “I also started as an athlete at 4 years old. I never stopped and now I want to pass on this passion and everything I know to these young athletes. For them it’s a game, children must have fun, first of all: and then, little by little, they gain confidence. I would tell parents to let their children do sports, any sport, because it makes them grow. But above all, don’t be afraid that your children will fall: they always get back up, and above all, we are there to help them and learn”

Last episode of this third season of #nonsolocalcio. Cpga L’Aquila, skating. Eleonora Falci hosts, resumed Loredana Lombardo

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