In Naples 100 new agents on the streets of the Far West

In Naples 100 new agents on the streets of the Far West
In Naples 100 new agents on the streets of the Far West

Security plan, reinforcements are coming. There is of course also Napoli in the list of Italian cities identified by the Ministry of the Interior to strengthen the ranks of police.

And the decision of Interior Ministry It comes just as citizens and civil society are calling for measures to stem the wave of violence in the streets of the Campania capital.

The priority

“The safety of citizens is our priority – declares the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi – This is why we have further increased the number of law enforcement officers. There are over 4,800 new officers, including police officers and carabinieri, who are taking up service throughout Italy these days. Young women and men in uniform who I am sure will be able to offer an important contribution to the country.”

Net of organized crimewhich still remains the biggest emergency, the onslaught of so-called street crime – a prerogative common to all large Italian metropolises – has reached very high levels of alert.

The distribution

In metropolitan cities alone, net of retirements, the minister then explained, a thousand new units will arrive including agents of the State Police, soldiers of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza.

Of these, in particular, 221 will be assigned to Roma100 in Naples, 87 in Florence and Milan, 74 in Bari, 65 in Venice, 45 in Bologna, 50 in Turin and 30 in Reggio Calabria. “Important resources – concludes Piantedosi – which are added to the significant increase in staff already achieved in 2023 and in the first half of this year. Furthermore, in the major tourist locations we have planned for the summer a reinforcement of over two thousand operators including police, carabinieri and financiers. An increase obtained thanks to the measures launched by the government to guarantee ever greater safety conditions to protect our citizens.” The reinforcements, as mentioned, will be allocated and distributed above all along the most popular tourist itineraries, and therefore also in the main holiday resorts of the province.

The summer period always represents a delicate moment in terms of security and control of the territory. The month of June in the city of Naples alone has seen a worrying escalation of violence. Just look at the latest events that have occurred in the heart of the historic center, where the risks associated with the port and the use of weapons (knives, but also and increasingly guns) are dramatically real. It will be enough to remember the last two episodes. The shooting a few days ago in broad daylight at Spanish Quarters (an area always very popular with tourists) which caused the injury of a 17 year old with no criminal record who had reacted to an attempted robbery; and the serious raid that took place last Wednesday night in the university area, which led to the wounding of two young people (none of whom are still hospitalized in intensive care at the Pellegrini hospital).


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