Naples: No to the suspension of the Nc replacement line

Naples: No to the suspension of the Nc replacement line
Naples: No to the suspension of the Nc replacement line


“Mumbles and protests in Vomero over the decision, published on the website of the Anm, the Neapolitan mobility company, to suspend the NC rubber line from 1 July, the shuttle established in the aftermath of the closure of the Chiaia funicular, a closure that occurred on 1 October 2022, which was supposed to last six months and instead has continued to this day with the probable reopening of the system by the end of the year, after more than two years of inactivity.”

Giving voice to the 15 thousand users of the cableway is once again Gennaro Capodanno, president of the Comitato Valori collinari, former president of the Vomero district, founder of the group on the social network Facebook: “Gli “orfani” della funicolare di Chiaia”.

“This suspension is unacceptable, and for an indefinite period, when the city is full of people, and also with many tourists – Capodanno says -. To the many inconveniences already suffered by users of the cableway, another one is added. What is most infuriating is the lack of any motivation for a measure that penalizes so many people. We ask for the immediate revocation of the suspension also considering that, if the public transport, temporarily replaced by the NC line, namely the Chiaia funicular, were in operation, certainly the rides would not be suspended, and without any motivation, since it is a public service, not even for a day.

The website also states that the NC line is “replaced by line 128 which covers the entire route and is being strengthened” – Capodanno emphasizes. It is true that it covers the entire route but on a much longer route, which crosses almost the entire city with 30 stops, including just nine stops on the NC line, which directly connects Piazza Amedeo with Via Cimarosa. As a result, travel times are significantly extended, also considering traffic. When strengthened, the NC line provides departures from Piazza Amedeo every 13 minutes, which on Saturdays are reduced to 11, while line 128, already “strengthened”, provides from 1 July a frequency, on weekdays, of 23 minutes, almost double that of the NC line which on Saturdays becomes 26 and on holidays even 30. Far from strengthening, we can talk about a “snail” line, with less than three departures in an hour which on holidays become two.

New Year’s Eve calls for the immediate intervention of Mayor Manfredi and the Cosenza public transport councilor so that the ANM lifts the suspension of the Nc line, starting from 1 July, guaranteeing its normal operation for the entire summer period and until the reopening of the funicular of Chiaia.

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