Piedmont, 25 million in damages due to bad weather, state of emergency requested

Piedmont, 25 million in damages due to bad weather, state of emergency requested
Piedmont, 25 million in damages due to bad weather, state of emergency requested

In a few hours 200 millimeters of rain fell, hitting the provinces of Verbano Cusio Ossola, Turin and Vercelli. President Alberto Cirio: “Very violent phenomenon, fortunately no victims”

Published:01-07-2024 20:33

Last update:01-07-2024 20:53

TURIN – The president of the Piedmont, Alberto Ciriosigned the request of the state of emergency addressed to the President of the Council Georgia Melonito the Minister of Civil Protection Nello Musumeci and head of the Civil Protection departmentFabrizio Curciodue to the heavy rainfall that hit Piedmont last weekend in provinces of Verbano Cusio Ossola, Turin and Vercelli. In particular, the territory of the Anzasca Valley e Divedro Valley of the province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, of‘Upper Sesia Valley in the province of Vercelli and theUpper Susa Valley, Lanzo Valleys, Orco Valleys e Soana e Canavese of the Metropolitan City of Turin.


It has also been completed an initial estimate of the interventions needed for the urgent sums and for the immediate restoration of the damage caused by the disturbance which amounts to approximately 25 million eurosbased on the inspections carried out in these hours by the technicians of the public works department of the Region and by the Civil Protection teams. In the coming days the inspections will continue to define the reconstruction and risk reduction interventions that will have to be implemented in the coming weeks. At the moment in fact it is necessary to wait for the river levels to return to be able to evaluate the erosion of the slopes and banks and have a complete picture of the situation.


Over the weekend, due to heavy rains, in Turin and Verbania Cusio Ossola the fire fighters They carried out 80 rescue operations for landslides and to help people in difficulty. In Montanaro, in the province of Turin, a family of 3 people, including a newborn, was saved during the night, stuck in their car due to the rising Orco torrent.


“I want to thank those who have been working for days to support the areas hit by the rains and to allow the safety of roads and rivers to be restored. We sent the government a request for a state of emergency very quickly in order to immediately have resources for the urgent works to be made available to the Municipalities. We have been hit by a very violent phenomenonwhich fortunately did not cause any casualties and that we managed to contain thanks to the professionalism of our teams and also thanks to the safety works carried out in recent years” declares the president of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio.


In just a few hours, around 200 millimetres of rain fell which, even more so considering the mountainous territory involved, “constitute a true exceptionality – declares the Councillor for Civil Protection Marco Gabusi– thanks to mayors, firefighters and the civil protection system, in a few hours the people who were at risk of remaining isolated were made safe and a situation of liveability in the territories was restored. We are alongside the Municipalities for the reconstruction phase which will also involve the recognition of a state of emergency on which I have already held an initial discussion on Sunday evening with the ever-available head of the national department Fabrizio Curcio and with colleagues from the Valle D’Aosta Region”.

The mountain councilor Marco Gallo is ready to organize a meeting with the Mountain Unions Orco and Soana Valleys, Lanzo Valleys and Ossola Valleys to take stock of the wounded mountain, studying possible interventions that go beyond those related to the request for a state of emergency advanced by President Cirio. “Climate change is one of the most complex challenges to face, especially in a region with an orography such as that of Piedmont that often accentuates the phenomena, just as has happened in the last few hours in Canavese and Verbano, making the hydrogeological stability of the entire system more fragile – says Gallo – for this reason I believe it is important to team up to give shape to synergies that strengthen the mountain territory”.

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