First City Council meeting 2024-2029 in the Darsena in Ferrara – Telestense

First City Council meeting 2024-2029 in the Darsena in Ferrara – Telestense
First City Council meeting 2024-2029 in the Darsena in Ferrara – Telestense

A truly spectacular scenario was the backdrop yesterday evening, Friday 28 June, in the Darsena di San Paolo for the first session of the new City Council, which saw the installation of 30 elected councillors and 9 members of the Executive Board as well as the election of the President and Vice President of the Council.

A crowd more suited to a show-event than to a City Council, the one that yesterday evening in the open space of the Darsena di San Paolo at the Wunderkammer Consortium christened, with the newly elected mayor and city councilors and the members of the new Board, the initial moment of a legislature that will take Ferrara to the threshold of 2030.

Convened by the newly elected mayor of Ferrara Alan Fabbri, the session took place according to a precise agenda which contemplated the obligations required by the electoral law and the consolidated text of local authorities (267 of 2000). We therefore proceeded, on the basis of the indications given by the pro-tempore president, Valentina Loredana Ionita, of the Civica Fabbri group, to validate those elected in the recent electoral consultation, Mayor and Councillors, of the subrogation of the resigning municipal councilors, because they entered the Council with direct appointment of the Mayor, the election of the President and Vice President of the City Council, of the members of the municipal Electoral Commission, of the Presidents of the council groups.

From the newly elected Prime Minister, Federico Soffritti of Fratelli d’Italia, representing the Centre-right majority, and from the Vice President, Anna Chiappini of the Democratic Party, representing the opposition, two brief interventions to underline the awareness of the delicate task to which they have been called, and the commitment to carry it out in the interest of the entire city community and not of a political party. From Anna Zonari, of the council group La Comune di Ferrara, the motivation for the vote in favour of the election of councillor Soffritti was accompanied by the hope that the commitment to impartiality expressed by the newly elected president will be combined with the common responsibility of all councillors and the will to give their best in mutual respect.

At the center of the evening is the not only ritual moment of the oath of loyalty to the Italian Constitution. provided by Mayor Fabbri, who immediately afterwards announced the appointment of the 9 members of the municipal council and the relative delegations assigned to them.

An oath that recalls how, according to Article 54 of the Constitution, not only do all citizens have the duty to be faithful to the Republic and to observe its Constitution and laws, but that citizens entrusted with public functions have the duty to fulfill them with discipline and honor.

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