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“I hope there is pride in having been part of something special”

“I hope there is pride in having been part of something special”
“I hope there is pride in having been part of something special”

Mayor Katia Tarasconi and the Municipal Administration of Piacenza thank all the institutions, associations and volunteers involved in these days, and today in particular, who with their work have contributed to the great success of the Piacenza stage of the Tour de France. “Heartfelt thanks to all those who have worked with dedication and commitment to make this event possible. There are hundreds of people – Tarasconi emphasizes – who, not only today, Monday 1 July, but for months now have worked for the success of the event and the cycling race that started this morning. The Tour de France is a sporting event of global resonance, among the most important in the world, broadcast live on television from over 170 countries. Thanks to your precious contribution, thousands of tourists and hundreds of millions of spectators have had the opportunity to know and appreciate the architectural and artistic treasures, the landscapes and the wonders of Piacenza. I would therefore like to express my most sincere thanks first of all to the many municipal employees who have truly given their heart and soul more than you can imagine. And this collaboration between offices is among the most important legacies of this great event: a notable test and an experience that all of us and the entire institution will treasure for the future. A special thanks goes to the Local Police officers from other municipal administrations, as well as of course all the staff of the Via Rogerio Command who worked hard with great spirit of service. I thank all the Police Forces who, with the support guaranteed by the Police Headquarters, the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, with their professionalism, promptness and competence allowed everyone to enjoy the event without worries, contributing to creating a safe and welcoming environment. I also sincerely thank the Fire Brigade, the Red Cross, Anpas, the Ausl services, the 118 operators, the many associations that made themselves available with volunteers who are always indispensable: Civil Protection, Alpini, Scouts, retired firefighters and former municipal employees. You have worked with professionalism and dedication, demonstrating a great sense of responsibility and a strong community spirit, your contribution has been invaluable and without you the success of the event would not have been possible. Finally, thanks to the people of Piacenza, our city has experienced a historic day today and today’s success is also thanks to your patience and understanding. I hope you can share with me the satisfaction and pride of having been part of something truly special. Merci Piacenza!».


Twelve people rescued on the street, mostly for heat-related illnesses, half of whom were treated directly in the advanced medical post located next to the village, and the other half in the Emergency Room. Among them, a man with a heart attack in progress, who was admitted to Cardiology. This is the outcome of the morning of “extraordinary” activity by the Piacenza 118 emergency network during the departure from Piacenza of the Tour de France. Volunteers from Anpas Piacenza and the Italian Red Cross – Piacenza Committee, together with rescue professionals, manned the various places where the event passed, starting with the village set up in Viale Malta. The various teams took care of assisting the public and were naturally ready to intervene also for the people who live along the city route. During the day, the Company also planned to increase the staff on duty in the Emergency Room and in the Assistance and Emergency Center (Cau): during the morning there were no moments of particular influx. Thanks to all the volunteers, professionals and logistics operators (about 200 people in total) who today contributed to making Piacenza feel safe from a health point of view, implementing the plan developed by the Piacenza Local Health Authority in close collaboration with Anpas and the Red Cross. Thanks to the Polo di Mantenimento pesante nord which made available the space to set up the advanced medical station in a strategic location, right next to the tour village. Thanks to the Prefecture, Police Headquarters and the Municipality of Piacenza who in recent weeks have collaborated closely with 118 for the preparation and implementation of the plan.

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