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the appeal to the TAR of Lazio against the dissolution due to mafia influence

the appeal to the TAR of Lazio against the dissolution due to mafia influence
the appeal to the TAR of Lazio against the dissolution due to mafia influence

The dissolution of the municipal administration of Quindici, led by former mayor Eduardo Rubinaccio, for alleged mafia influence is now at the center of an appeal to the TAR of Lazio. The former mayor and some councilors of his majority have entrusted the administrative expert Enzo Maria Marenghi with the task of drafting an appeal to contest a series of preliminary and subsequent acts to the dissolution decision.

The disputed documents

In particular, the appeal targets the decree of the President of the Republic of March 27, notified on April 22, together with the reports of the Prefect, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the Council of Ministers. The judges of the TAR of Lazio will decide on a possible suspension or, otherwise, to express their opinion on the merits of the matter.

The key points of the appeal: administrative and parental continuity

One of the main points of dispute concerns the alleged continuity between the administrations of 2015 and 2020. According to the appeal, there is a lack of certain evidence to support this thesis, and there is no direct correlation between administrative and parental continuity, considering that Quindici is a small municipality with a minimal staff structure, especially in the management of public procurement.

Conditioning test and next steps in the process

The appeal also calls into question what has been defined as the “queen proof” of mafia conditioning: the alleged “homage” by Mayor Rubinaccio to the wife of a deceased boss. The episode, contested by the former mayor himself, is supported by documents attached to the appeal, including substitute declarations already included in the documents.

From a legal standpoint, the appeal contests the lack of investigations and investigations, the violation of the principle of proportionality, as well as a flawed investigation and an inadequate investigation. These issues will be debated in court during the various phases of the administrative trial. We will have to wait for the counter-arguments of the State Attorney’s Office, which will represent the Prefecture and the Ministry of the Interior, and the fundamental decisions of the administrative judges. The fate of the municipal administration of Quindici is now in the hands of the TAR of Lazio.

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