Blazquez: “Retegui? The idea is to keep him. Martinez almost Inter’s”

Blazquez: “Retegui? The idea is to keep him. Martinez almost Inter’s”
Blazquez: “Retegui? The idea is to keep him. Martinez almost Inter’s”

Very long interview with the CEO of Genoa Andres Blazquez a Football and Finance. Blazquez he spoke freely about important times such as the current financial situation of the Griffin with respect to the future objectives that the club has set itself, of the market, of the stadium and of the relationships with the Sampdoria. Here is the first passage of his statements.

SU MARTINEZ. “Martinez is almost an Inter player now, then there are other players that we will sell this summer, but mostly not the starters. We aim to have a positive impact of 10-12 million by managing to invest, as we did with Vitinha, also in anticipation of some exits“.

ON THE MARKET. “The investigation into Gudmundsson has not affected the clubs’ interest. It is not a simple process even if the player has always said he is convinced of his innocence and we believe him. LHis situation hasn’t been affected because the striker market hasn’t started yet. For the rest we are looking for a right back, with Spence who we want to keep but it depends on Tottenham. Then we’ll do something in midfield, the defense is sorted. Retegui? The idea is to keep it short of pharaonic offers. Obviously if there is an exit we will do something about the entry. The goal is to grow and we want the team to be better than last year. If I wanted to settle the accounts immediately I would sell the best ones and the balance sheet would benefit immediately, but for what future? Our initiatives are aimed at increasing recurring revenue precisely so as not to finance ourselves on the market through sales“.

SU 777. “I am an employee of Genoa and not of 777, what happens above our heads we sometimes know from the press. I can say that our relationships with shareholders have not changed and our work is normal. At group level we aim to become more independent with transparent management, with hiring external personalities. Now a member of the Genoa board linked to 777 has resigned and we will insert an independent person, from the world of finance and not from football. He will not be the only one, we would like to put at least two people of this type on the board of directors. The group aims to be successful with all the teams. The steps are more linked to the championships, for example Serie A is definitely higher than Belgium. Expand? At the moment we are not thinking of expanding the group, we could do it maybe in the next few months, but for now we will stop“.

ON A-CAP. “I speak almost as an outsider in this case. There is a creditor called A-Cap, there was a discussion with them and from what we understand there was an agreement to sort out the governance at the football activity level. That story is external to us even if it concerns us on a media level, but on an ordinary work level things have not changed, we check the finances weekly with the group and nothing has changed. There are absolutely no problems regarding the Genoa world“.

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